Старый афоризм: «Когда видишь двух спорящих людей, понимаешь, что один из них или дурак или подлец. Дурак – тот, кто не знает, что неправ. И спорит. А если спорщик знает, что неправ, то он — подлец…»
Спорить – это удел детей.
Зачем спорить?
Споря, дети узнают новую информацию и делятся меж собою.
И если эта информация отличается, они начинают выяснять, кто же из них является обладателем истины. Экспертами выступают старшие дети или взрослые. Этот процесс важен для развития детей.
Пик споров приходит на подростковый возраст, когда юноши меряются не только умом, но и амбициями. Дебаты для детей — полезны.
Спорят ли взрослые?
А зачем? — Истину не выяснять нужно, а познавать.
Допустим, мы знаем, что другой человек неправ. Допустим. Можно об этом ему сообщить. И он ее примет или не примет. Вот и все. Но зачем нужно обязательно доказывать свою правоту? Это и неэтично, и незаконно. Каждый человек имеет право на свое мнение, даже если это мнение расходится с мнением окружающих.
Как утверждает Википедия:
Спор — состояние общественных словесных состязаний, в которых целью участников является убеждение друг друга в своей правоте и причиной которых обычно являются противоречия мнений или точек зрения. В споре возможно применение психологических и логических уловок, каверз, такой спор называется демагогическим. Спор — это столкновение мнений, когда оба участника или более осознают, что ведут спор и заявили друг другу об этом, в противном случае — это диалог.
Ты — неправ! 🙂
Конечно, есть принципиальные споры. Когда в итоге принимают важные решения. От которых, например, зависит судьба людей или исход важного дела.
Но ответьте себе честно: так ли часто вы спорите по таким вопросам?
Вот вы спорите с соседом, какая политическая партия честнее или какая футбольная команда лучше. Чья судьба решается в данный момент? Вы уверены, что в СССР было 15 республик, а ваш оппонент утверждает, что их было 17.
И что — для вас важно тратить время на пререкания?!
Выигрыш в споре имеет свою цену
Допустим, мы спор выиграли.
Мы ликуем. А что же в это время чувствует проигравший? Наверное, обиду на себя и на вас. Как минимум, мы огорчили человека, показали ему его незнание. И где здесь выигрыш? Мы приобрели недруга из-за какого-то спора! И кто знает, как именно он отыграется?
Говорят, что в споре рождается истина… Если она в споре и рождается, то в больших муках.
Спор – это процесс навязывания своего мнения, это словесная война, в которой оба спорщика не столько доказывают истину, сколько меряются амбициями.
Спор это словесный мордобой.
Как же тогда отстаивать свое мнение, не споря?
А иметь свое мнение полезно. Делиться им тоже полезно. Но зачем спорить?
Жаль, но многие взрослые люди любят спорить и принуждают к этому и нас.
Как-то два друга спорили, какая птица самая быстрая, сокол или орел. Быстрее от этого птицы летать не стали, а вот друзья поссорились. Допустим, один из них прав. Ну и что? Зачем это доказывать?
Но мы часто сами вынуждаем людей с нами спорить. Как? Тогда, когда человеку ничего не остается, как отстаивать свое мнение. К этому приводят обычные возражения.
Возражая, мы опровергаем чье-то мнение. Что человеку остается делать, как не восстанавливать справедливость? Он начинает отстаивать свое мнение. Вот и причина спора…
А если не спорить и согласиться?
А задумывались ли вы, как часто мы возражаем? У многих людей слово «нет» является самым распространенным в речи, после слова «я». Возразить, не согласиться легко. А чье-то мнение от этого страдает. Возражая, мы сами попадем в спор.
Возражение – это неуважение к чужому мнению.
Не спорьте! — Переходите на диалог.
Что будет если мы согласимся? А ничего плохого. Человек останется при своем мнении. И все. А может, даже, и засомневается в своей правоте.
Не спорьте, а делитесь информацией. И если ее не берут, не настаивайте.
Не спорьте — переходите на диалог.
Разрешите людям ошибаться или иметь свое мнение, даже если оно не совпадает с вашим. Пусть лучше у вас будет заблуждающийся друг, нежели обиженный недруг.
Не возражайте, если без возражения можно обойтись. Но если спор возник, лучше согласитесь.
Корреспонденту дали задание узнать секрет долгой жизни у юбиляра, которому исполнилось 90 лет. Журналист приехал в горное селение, разыскал долгожителя и начал выпытывать, как же ему удалось прожить 90 лет.
Старик сказал, что секрет его долгой жизни состоит в том, что он никогда ни с кем не спорил. Корреспондент удивился:
— Что, это правда, что вы прожили 90 лет, и ни разу ни с кем не спорили? — Да, это правда. — Ну что, вообще ни с кем не спорили? — Вообще ни с кем… А что? — И что, даже с собственной женой не спорили? — С женой? Да, не спорил. — Даже со своими детьми? — И с детьми не спорил. А чего с ними спорить? — И что, за 90 лет ни единого разочка? — Да, вроде. Память у меня хорошая. Не помню, чтобы я с кем-то спорил. — Никогда-никогда ни с кем, ни с кем не спорили? — уже накаляясь, раздраженно, продолжал корреспондент. — Да не может этого быть, чтобы вы за всю жизнь ни разу ни с кем не спорили! — Спорил, спорил, спорил… — с улыбкой ответил старик. А потом добавил: — Хотите чаю?
Притча о споре Солнца и Ветра
От древнегреческого мудреца Эзопа
Солнце и Ветер поспорили, кто из них сильнее?
И Ветер сказал: «Я докажу, что сильнее. Видишь, там старик в плаще? Бьюсь об заклад, что смогу заставить его снять плащ быстрее, чем ты».
Солнце спряталось за тучу, а Ветер начал дуть все сильнее и сильнее, пока не превратился почти в ураган. Но чем сильнее он дул, тем крепче закутывался старик в свой плащ.
Наконец Ветер стих и прекратился. А Солнце выглянуло из-за тучи и ласково улыбнулось путнику. Путник повеселел и снял плащ.
И Солнце сказало Ветру, что ласка и дружелюбие всегда сильнее ярости и силы.
Уважаемый читатель! Спасибо, что заглянули на мой сайт.
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Treasures have different functions, and they are not just about simply improving the hero s offense and defense.The demons believe you so much The undead are not good birds.
The two sides are mortal enemies One has the advantages of speed and resurrection, and the other has the advantage of teleportation in a small range.This is also the biggest difference between monsters and soldiers.
But now Zhao Hao was about to tell the other party that nothing was absolutely safe in front of the Storm.Therefore, at this time, not only is the player s advancement blocked, but there is even a slight possibility of being reversed.
The key point is to kill the spirit and soul, otherwise it would not be qualified to be called the Dark Flame.Interesting Zhao Hao chuckled and closed the chat interface.
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Where am I Qin Hu sat up in a daze, feeling a chill on his body, and there was a whistling outside.The Bucks Principality can t do it. It s not that their fighting power is not strong enough, it s not that several archangel legions can t come together with gritted teeth.
It s okay, you continue training Lu Mu waved his hand to stop a few people from approaching, then turned around and said, Follow me Although he didn t believe Zhao Hao s words at all, what if it happened The four of them came to a dilapidated tent.Although she has potential at this stage, it has not yet fully turned into strength.
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the records were only circulated among the players, but the aborigines would not know about them.
In fact, the Minotaur s weakness lies in its mobility and methods.One in a million There are almost 10,000 champions, and only one epic level will appear on average.
the little monster alone can derive countless branches.Besides, there is no money. So he thought of a person, Centurion Li Xiaokun.
I happen to know a way, that is
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familiar faces, and there was no hostility on the other side, so I made an explanation and walked over.
Do you really think that you are deceived by the nobles false propaganda.The brush can fly This kind of brushing method made his contribution value skyrocket.
While Menfila directed the troops to advance, he asked aloud.Even adventurers of the same level Facing a five meter tall snake demon who wields six giant swords like arms, no matter how strong an adventurer is, he will have to kneel down.
Sir Memphela and Ellie came over. Well Zhao Hao, who landed and returned to his human form, looked around and asked, What s going on In any case, his convoy will not be besieged by the army, right.Who can withstand this. Fortunately, Zhao Hao s IQ was not low, and he understood that compared to the other person s amazing appearance, which was completely the ceiling he had seen, the danger posed by the other person was even more terrifying, so he asked solemnly.
A ball of light the size of a fist appeared in front of Zhao Hao with a surprised look on his face.As the holy land and headquarters of the church, it is naturally impossible for Paradise Mountain to be without action.
If we, the reformists, hadn t taken a step back, I wouldn t necessarily have been in the position of your Majesty.If it was marble before, it is now white jade. It seems that the color and size have not changed, but in fact there is a qualitative difference.
Now the old Marquis can t protect you. What Qin Hu opened his eyes When he looked around, he saw that he was staying in a tent, and in front of him was a soldier wearing leather armor.You actually resurrected me Time Assassin was confused at first, but then he figured it out, Do you want to kill me twice This was the only possibility.
And he is willing to share these rewards because under the rules, it is impossible for him to get the second blood of beasts.Zhao Hao rode on the back of a unicorn beast and followed the team in pursuit.
Zhao Hao instinctively looked away, but when he wanted to look back, he found that he couldn t.The pirate deserters who had been abandoned by the fleet were now blocked in front of the nascent port.
Kill Zhao Hao looked at the three red dragons that fell to the ground.Even if he does not serve them, he must figure out how to be immune to spiritual attacks.
Hmph, do you really think I m afraid of him Wind Whisperer s tone suddenly rose, like a prelude to an explosion, It s just that Xia players don t fight Xia players, and they don t respect martial ethics, so I have to do it.Of course, it is not expected that this small number of ghosts can solve Flash Silver and others, but it is used as a test.
Especially since she is not fighting alone, she will lead her shadow swordsmen together.But the thing happened to happen to this childhood sweetheart, Miss Chen.
Just when the pirates surrendered because of Zhao Hao s bastard spirit , Ellie also came back with four corpses.However, Qin Hu later turned out to be almost useless except for being a playboy.
Oh, little Marquis, why are you confused We are in the military camp.But as time passed, the other party made no move. I didn t expect that the other party would suddenly attack now.
The Horned Ghost King said that by the time Qingyang comes back, maybe Yu Mengmiao will be well.They were originally from the Seventh Sect. The Great Immortal Sect has no resistance to rebuilding the Immortal Sect.
If he attracts the covetousness of other high level monks, wouldn t he be asking for trouble by accepting things The level of the talisman is too low and the space is small, which is not suitable for Qingyang s current status.Master Lingxue thought it was a series of tricks arranged by Master Wusi, and he vomited blood and died in Finding Restful Nights with CBD Sleep Gummies: A Comprehensive Guide
We are only in the middle stage of Qi Refining. Do you think we can return to Tianjiazhuang alive Tian Lisong was also unsure, but he was an elder after all, so he just Neng comforted him and said, I ll settle down now that I Finding Reliable Support with Assure Medical CBD Gummies Customer Service Number
ve come.There may be more variables in this matter, but even if Fuliu Ghost King finally defeated the One horned Ghost King, the end would not be much better.
Not only must you hold on, but you must also find a way to defeat Master Guihe as soon as possible, because the iron 6 Scientifically-Proven Benefits of Cinnamon Tea and Weight Loss
armed monkey next to you has gradually fallen behind under the constant attacks of the black water dragon.It is a small city in the territory of the Ten Kings Palace, and it is in a remote location.
It may be that the Blackwater Demonic Serpent has a relatively simple mind and is immune to things like trances and illusions.However, instead of one corpse with two lives, one corpse has three lives.
How can ordinary people bear that kind of feeling After all, the bloodthirsty vine had reached level 13 and was extremely powerful.Seeing the angry look on the face of Master Guihe, Master Chujiang smiled and said, Fellow Daoist Guihe has worked Revamp Your Child’s Lifestyle: Fast-Track Weight Loss with Smart Choices
hard during this period.
Looking at the few lonely Jindan cultivators behind him and the corpses on the ground, the great elder of Lingfu Sect smiled sadly and said Zhenjun Yaoyue was right before.On the contrary, Qingyang did not speak, but slowly He took a step forward and was ready to take action.
Even if I use my crystal coffin, it will not be cured in a short time.With a thought, three huge swords suddenly appeared in the air, and then thousands of sword shadows bloomed, forming a huge sword array and facing the magic weapon of Master Yuan Zhu.
Then he released a huge suction force. At this time, the Ghost King Huanxi just woke up.We cannot be too respectful to such a great benefactor.
How many female disciples are there How many times have I come to your Lingfu Sect But how have you ever given me justice in Qingluan Pavilion Even I almost fell into it.Are not the same. Sure enough, after seeing the change in Fuliu Ghost King s momentum, the One horned Ghost King wondered Blood Burning Technique No, this seems to be a superposition of two spells.
He looks senile, just like the old longevity star in the painting.The stone can still reach Exploring the Benefits of CBD Gummies for Diabetes Reviews: A Comprehensive Guide
a depth of one to two thousand feet, so after Qingyang released his spiritual thoughts, he could quickly see the situation in front of the passage clearly.
I was wondering why Baimei Ghost King brought him here, and it turned out to be this reason.So after the long browed ghost king finished speaking, he took the initiative.
Their lifespan is still very long. Who said that the God of Pregnancy Fruit will not be found in the future Looking at the Pregnancy God Fruit so close at hand, the Long Eyebrow Ghost King was about to pick it when he heard the giant Ghost King give a loud shout and said Who is peeking behind Get out of here.
The One Horned Ghost King was shaken by the attack just now, and almost lost his balance.Looking at the current situation, can Fuso Ghost King
It is not certain that he will become the Lord of Fuliu City.
The Iron armed Monkey is slightly worse, but because of its strong defense and bravery in close combat, it can also exert the strength of a monk at the third and fourth levels of Nascent Soul.The alcoholic queen bee s pollen had just been released when the thunder calamity struck down.
If you are unlucky and the position of palace master falls into the hands of others, it is not a big deal.It s just that he doesn t understand whether the two demon kings set up such a trap for himself or for the entire Crouching Tiger City.
Two consecutive three yuan sword formations not only forced him to use all his methods, but also suffered internal and external injuries.Not only is he ranked third among the Ten Kings at such a young age, but he can even defeat the Giant Ghost King and the Long Eyebrow Ghost King alone.
If he did it a few more times, he would probably lose his life.Qingling Demon King turned to look at Xiaotian Demon King.
If the Alcoholic Queen Bee never encounters a suitable advanced treasure, she may be stuck here forever.In addition, there is the corpse eating mother worm.
No matter how interested the woman is, things will spread like crazy.
What s wrong Did you think of anything else Lin En assured her at the right time.The God Becoming Ceremony as expected Linn called Harrov, Vittorio, Aurora and Anthony over and explained his plan.
When Linn stepped into the manor, he saw a scene of hundreds of people gathering together to draw pictures
How is the progress Mr. Vittorio Linn asked softly.It is indescribable to feel a planet that is tens of trillions of times larger than oneself rushing towards oneself
The three bodies of Harrov, Aurora and Vittorio are the undead, an indescribable feeling.
Then how did Ella achieve the promotion to legend Could it be using soul power Lin En suddenly thought of this possibility, and suddenly felt a chill running from the soles of his feet to his heart.However, the spell casting failed this time
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This is the area where the kingdom is located. It is shrouded in thin clouds.Shaduo, who was teasing the enemy, was caught off guard, and the entire bat wing on the left side was almost directly hit.
As soon as they entered the foyer, the two of them were shocked by the sight in front of them, because the entire castle underground was empty, and what appeared in front of them was a spiral winding road that led to no one knows where.But even after reaching this level, there are still only two clear light spots reflected on the fluorescent screen at the rear, which shows that the electrons are honestly in the form of particles and have passed through a crack.
4, which was still 0. 1 short of the minimum standard for an apprentice.They were like a living target standing on the sea, passively suffering.
In fact, she also set up many protective spells on the surface, but she did not expect that these wizards would launch attacks from underground.I think your proposals have a certain degree of feasibility.
After seeing Tilar walking into the farm, Northen suddenly felt his eyes light up and walked over quickly.He was not surprised by these mortgage certificates.
It is entirely possible to blow up the opponent or force him to stop the spell.He provides knowledge, and the wizards provide computing power.
He also agreed that he should first withstand the invasion of the gods of the main world, protect them from them, and first deal with the alien fleets that formed to approach.The next moment, a gorgeous figure turned from virtual to real, and the strange crystal stone sank into the center of the eyebrows.
Sanchez s face also showed a look of intense astonishment.Has anyone actually developed the use of electromagnetic waves in magic Lin En was very curious, but even more wary, because the simplest use of this thing is usually to convey information
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think about becoming a mayor or something like that, but it was still possible to become a township mayor or a town mayor You are destroying the foundation of the kingdom A count of the kingdom looked at the black and white words on the bulletin board, almost couldn t breathe, and shouted in a broken voice.
According to Lin En, the speed of light is only the basic requirement for realizing space navigation The power provided by the lunar soil alone is still limited.Morey s luck has also run out, and the on site demonstration of capturing electrons has repeatedly failed.
It is said that it only takes nine hours to get from the center of the empire to the capital of the Magic Kingdom This also includes the time spent stopping in other cities along the way, which can only be described as incredible.At the moment when he was distracted, dozens of arrows shining with divine magic sprang out from the dense forest behind him.
A bright moon appeared in the power room, which also meant that Ella had activated her divine power to the extreme.On average, the computing power that can be mobilized is only about 5 , and there is still a lot of room for improvement.
In just one week, the five thousand people who initially went to the moon were gathered together.