Причины разные. И мы не будем останавливаться на них.
Справедливости ради отмечу, что многие все-же научились рассказывать стихи в школе, и довольно-таки хорошо.
Но все же, не все умеют хорошо рассказывать стихи.
Да и зачем, справедливо спросите вы? Школьные времена давно прошли и собираться с друзьями у костра мы давно перестали.
Однако не стоит недооценивать значение стихологии.
Посмотрите необычное, но чудесное исполнение стихотворения Пушкина «Я вас любил» в исполнении Юрия Стоянова:
Как правильно говорить: «стихи» или «стихотворения»?
Мы знаем много битв за словесную грамотность.
Одеть или надеть? Их или ихний? Кладут или ложат? ТортЫ или Торты?
Так как же правильно: стих или стихотворение?
Выражение «стих» – это просторечие.
Да, так короче, привычнее и удобнее. Однако неверно.
Правильно говорить: «стихотворение».
Давайте разберемся теперь почему правильно говорить «стихотворение», а не «стих»?
Толковый словарь под редакцией Н. Шведовой называет «стихом» единицу ритмически организованной художественной речи, строку стихотворения, а также саму речь, организованную таким образом.
Еще одно значение слова «стих». Это художественное произведение, написанное такими строками. Например, стихи Гете, сборник стихов, выучить стихи.
Получается, что «стих» — это такой стиль речи. А «стихотворение» — такая речь (продукт) написанное таким стилем.
Резюмируя: в литературной норме следует говорить: «Выучить стихотворение Гете».
Само «стихотворение» может состоять из множества «стихов», которые можно использовать, как отдельные произведения.
В таком случае, можно сказать: «стихи» (неполные произведения, части от больших стихотворений).
Стихотворения рассказывают, читают ли декламируют?
Теперь другой вопрос – стихотворения рассказывают, читают ли декламируют?
Литературная норма — говорить: «читать стихотворения» или «декламировать стихотворения».
Почему нельзя «рассказывать стихи»?
Потому что вы их не придумываете на ходу, а говорите уже готовые стихотворения.
Но, если вы, действительно, на ходу рассказываете историю, успевая её рифмовать — тогда фраза «рассказываю стихи» будет оправдана.
И в данном случае правильнее будет использовать слово «стихи», а не «стихотворение».
Уважаемый читатель!
В нашей Школе ораторского искусства мы учим красиво, ярко и выразительно декларировать стихотворения. Понимать их. И эффектно выступать с ними на публике. С радостью поможем вам овладеть этим мастерством!
Посмотрите наше видео:
А что такое стихология?
Стихология — наука о том, как рассказывать стихотворения.
Стихология (от греч. stichos стих и logos учение). То же, что и стиховедение. Толковый словарь Ушакова. Д.Н. Ушаков. 1935-1940.
Стихология — узкое направление поэзии.
Затрагивает только стихотворения. И то, как их рассказать, и то, как их подать. Что говорить до стихотворения, что после.
Стихология развивает в ораторе чувствительность к тексту и эмоциям в нем.
Учит играть словом, интонацией, акцентами.
И это все для того, чтоб передать зрителю и себе глубокий смысл того или иного стихотворения.
Ведь часто бывает так, что с первого раза и не поймешь, что именно хотел сказать автор.
Или, бывает, сам оратор так прочел стих, что у слушателей не возникло никаких чувств, не «ёкнуло» в сердце, не пробежали «мурашки»…
Стихология напоминает процесс распаковки подарков:
Вы сначала внимательно рассматриваете коробку, снимаете подарочную бумагу, разворачиваете упаковку и только потом достаёте сам сюрприз.
Так мы на наших курсах ищем смысл стихотворение — бережно распаковываем стих, убираем лишнее, расставляем свои ударения и акценты. Ведь каждый участник видит в поэтическом произведении свои смыслы, свои акценты.
Наша задача не мешать оратору находить свои смыслы в стихотворении, а наоборот помочь оратору мастерски подать свой смысл стихотворения публике.
Поэтому одно и то же стихотворение все ораторы рассказывают по-разному.
И это — радует!
Тренер Виктория Сулай помогает овладеть поэтическому искусству
Занятие по стихологии проходит у нас на Втором курсе в Школе ораторского мастерства.
Нам радостно, что на тренинге участники рассказывают свои стихи. Теперь они это делают мастерски.
И приятно, что в этом мастерстве есть вклад нашей Школы.
А ведь многие популярные поэты, как известно, не умели хорошо рассказывать свои собственные стихи.
К примеру, Роберт Рождественский. Свои чудесные стихи Рождественский рассказывать не умел. Зато это хорошо делали другие чтецы.
Есенин и Маяковский, поэты, владеющие ораторским искусством, остались в прошлом нашей истории.
На занятии стихологии мы учим не только рассказывать сами стихи, но и подавать их.
К этому времени ораторы должны освоить Базовые техники ораторского искусства. Как рассказывать стихи без жестов? Без пауз? Без интонаций?
Сегодня сложно найти современного поэта-оратора. Стихи – это искусство, а искусство это нужно уметь правильно подавать.
Так что если Вам нравится поэзия, Вы любите читать стихи или пишите свои собственные и хотите их красиво декламировать, Вам будет полезен наш курс по стихологии.
К тому же, Вы научитесь красиво рассказывать не только стихи, но и прозу.
Эмоции, игра голосом, проникновенность, сила подачи, конечно же, пригодится и для любой другой речи.
Тренировка начинающего оратора. Чтение стихов на улице
Мы, конечно же, не рекомендуем так делать. Но нам приятно, что наши ученики не боятся ничего и тренируются читать стихи прямо на улице. Посмотрите видео
Мария Бойко тренируется рассказывать стихи на улице.
Нужно учиться рассказывать стихи!
Вот представьте, собравшись в гостях или на торжественном мероприятии, Вам друг захочется что-то сказать или как-то себя показать. И Вы быть может начнете читать стих. И не просто так, а – красиво. И вот уже вечер перестанет быть томным…
Не зря ведь говорят, что поэзия – это лучшие слова в лучшем порядке.
/ Стихология / Она пришла с мороза… / читать или рассказывать стихи / как рассказывать стихи / о чем можно рассказать в стихотворении /
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This time he did not enter the city, but used the Escape Technique to fly through the city in the air.By the way, have you heard that there is an invasion of foreign enemies on Seven Star Island, and the sect s recent strengthening of formations is related to this matter He Chuan changed the topic to show off his knowledge.
Your situation is special. Once the sect starts a war with the demon cultivator, your half step golden elixir is likely to encounter a golden elixir opponent.After Li Shiming bowed to the tablets and then bowed to Elder Su, the core apprenticeship ceremony was over.
Falsified information. After doing this, he walked towards the wall of the back mountain.Except for the newcomer period, there are not many opportunities to practice here.
The items inside were just like the style of a foundation building monk.Before the Four Tigers of Lieshan could take action, Li Shiming shouted, attracting a large number of monks.
Old Zhao, I told you that he is not a swordsman. I have talked with him and he wants to practice law Elder Su explained helplessly.He can use the magical weapon of the clone. The cultivation of the clone is actually a practice he uses part of his consciousness to practice.
In addition, the sword strike was too sudden, and Yunze was about to die on the spot.Kill He howled hoarsely. On the Senluo Sect side, a Jindan elder discovered the undisguised aura in the battlefield.
They look particularly special above the sea. There are also dots of small islands faintly farther away.The high grade spiritual fields were even more powerful.
In this case, the breakthrough will give The foundation building period lays the best foundation.There are 100 acres of low grade spiritual fields in Holding Sword Peak, 20 acres of mid grade spiritual fields, one acre of high grade spiritual fields, and fifteen second grade spiritual fruit trees.
Damn little liar, you damn girl, don t you know how to protect yourself Elder Ren raised his hand angrily, looked at Ren Fei er s face but didn t have the heart to slap it, so he could only curse angrily.It was because the speed of the paper crane was not ideal and it was unobstructed.
Since he started practicing, everyone he knew has died one by one, and his attitude towards death has become somewhat numb.If you want to use your spiritual thoughts to directly attack the enemy, you can only hurt them with your spiritual thoughts unless the enemy s soul strength is much weaker than your own.
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them, which makes it look like an immortal.One on one battles between human monks are extremely dangerous.
He also did not want to achieve the effect of completely annihilating the opponent through Demon Sound in the Ear Fake.Li Shiming stood on the platform. The underground space was very dark.
Once there was any Report the situation immediately.He didn t even dodge, but rushed straight into the destructive spiritual power composed of fire and ice.
Generally, he can easily help solve the requirements during the Qi Refining Period.Sometimes it is a sermon given by a monk in the late stage of Qi refining, sometimes even a sermon given by a foundation building monk.
He just lacks the small burst secret techniques used by Xu Chuan.Through Li Shiming s screams, Baili Jinyan s desire was amplified to the limit.
For all the major sects, hiding forbidden spirit gold is a serious crime.
The bones on this man s body crackled, and there was a roar from the five internal organs, and the broken bones were reconnected.Inner elixirs, the bodies of monsters are the most valuable, and they have all Understanding the Benefits of David Jeremiah and CBD Gummies for Wellness
kinds of attributes.
If he had known it, he would have spent more spiritual stones to go somewhere else.be careful. Lin You er gave Ye Fei one last meaningful look and said through a message, then left the competition venue and returned directly to his mountain peak.
She wanted to cut out this humiliating life and clear her name.You two Ye Fei s meaning was obvious, so Han Dong and Bai Yan left directly and returned to their own training courtyards.
After all, I promised him that he will be yours in the future.Little thing, I didn t expect you to be quite heavy.
Ye Fei grinned and flattered Xinglan. Originally, Xinglan didn t come, but Ye Fei didn t come for a while.It can be said that Ye Fei basically lacks everything now, so Ye Fei is really not interested in this city of elixirs, alchemists, or high level elixirs, because his strength is low and he cannot use them at the moment.
Friendship is a trivial matter. The two people who had been chatting happily before were now looking at each other angrily.It s really too much. Murong Xue was not a child, and she instantly thought of the other party s despicable behavior.
He couldn t help but feel extremely angry. He kicked the person away and hit him hard.The Night Emperor s divine fist is fierce and domineering, and the fist s intention is extremely strong and yang.
This is the yin and yang wheel formed by the masters of the yin and yang sect who have reached great success in practice.He wants you to pay 8,000 spiritual power pills a month Then why did it become 10,000 when it came to you Ye Fei frowned.
Wang Teng snorted coldly. What do you mean You are still reasonable after saving you Your Wang family killed my father and my friends, and they haven t settled the accounts with you yet.The spiritual power of heaven and earth and gravity limit your abilities.
And this time the promotion is even more cruel. Each disciple must challenge three disciples in a row.Xingyu, what happened Soon, a powerful figure emerged from the ground again.
Then why don t you stay and live a stable life here.Boy, get out of here quickly, you ve caused a big disaster Lao Wang in his body shouted anxiously.
It is incredibly powerful In front of Mo Xingyu, there stood a humanoid creature, covered in blankets.Many disciples are willing to join these people. Calculating this, Ye Fei should call Lin Yinger senior sister.
Awesome, here is the colorful ore, just give it to you Ye Fei suddenly said, patted his back, and the heavy colorful ore, which required two strong men to lift, was gently dragged in his hand and lifted directly.Bastard At this moment, the fifth prince s eyes were a little distracted, his spiritual power was weak, his body was seriously injured in many places, and he was in a miserable state.
Boy, slowly you will find that there are too many incredible things in this world.
Thirteen riders of Mangshan, do you not even pay attention to me, Master Qingyun A huge goshawk stood on top of the goshawk, and an old man in gray clothes shouted coldly.Wherever he walked in the world, he was respected by others and enjoyed flattery.
In the past, a flame palm struck directly. Boom The palms of the two people collided fiercely.Everything went well. The underground demons rioted and the disciples suffered heavy losses.
He was only around the second level of Shen Zang. He was nowhere near as strong as Mo Xingyu.Why are you so cold all of a sudden There must be a reason.
Damn, he actually disrupted the atmosphere here. Who is he Silently, a heroic ancient man appeared here.appearance. As expected, it s the Transformation Pill.
Senior Sister Lin You er didn t show off at all and had no airs.Obviously, Ye Fei s performance made Mo Xingyu very satisfied.
Lin Yin er didn t apply any powder, but her fragrance hit her face.No one mentioned such a thing in the online media. It seemed to have really calmed down.
A master in the Shenzang Realm someone exclaimed. This seems unfair Ye Fei frowned slightly.Now, he came to help him again. For a moment, Shangguan Xianer felt extremely ashamed.
At least It will not target colleges on a large scale.It was the famous sword formation of the Jade Girl Sect.
He walked southwest all the way. On the way, he would stop to refine elixirs and pass by.Even in the Alchemy Guild, no one would be allowed to blaspheme their Yin and Yang.
He brought it upon himself. If he has the ability, he can settle the score with Brother Ye.In addition to Kong Xuan, Barbarian King, and Ling Tianxiao and other powerful men of the older generation, there are naturally some great sects, aristocratic families, or He is a genius among the casual cultivators.
The cell was at the end of the corridor, and Ye Fei and others inside could see these people at a glance.These women are all stunningly beautiful, with excellent figures, and dressed in light gauze.
It s useless to set up that trap. The other party can t take the bait.She looked at Ye Fei up and down, and shook her head gently.
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The elixir is even stronger, but the quantity in this batch is a bit small, only a few dozen.Refining alchemy is really not easy Just purifying it made Ye Fei so tired that he was sweating profusely.
The power of Xuanyin In the room, Tian Qing er was also practicing.It was extremely strange, This man The vitality is still there, haven t you taken action yet The Dark Sky Master asked with a confused look.
Last time I heard that he reached the first level of Shen Zang before he was twenty years old, and now he is in the second level of Shen Zang.We will kill all your men Lose Weight Online: Effective Strategies for Remote Success
and leave the women behind to pass on seeds for us.
Because of the incident on Yehou Slope, Qingyang and Deng Changting had a little friendship.Qingyang opened his eyes, took out a jar of spiritual wine from the Drunken Immortal Gourd and poured it into his mouth.
Now I know that it s not that low grade spiritual weapons lack power, but that those people lack strength.Everything was told once. The tall and thin man didn t tell the truth before because he knew his master s methods and only hoped to get a chance to die quickly after angering Zhiwei Sanren.
This was Hua Qingyao s lair and could be in danger at any time, so he couldn t waste too much time.Master Kang said, Master Kang, you have been involved in this matter from beginning to end, so I will introduce the situation here to you first.
Qingyang breathed a sigh of relief and walked towards Chen Biwang.Countless spiritual lights bloomed from the armor to protect Qingyang.
The reason why we talk about comprehensive strength is because the living dead have no spiritual intelligence, no spiritual weapons and other means.He took the initiative to say so much, and it seemed that he wanted to help him.
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think this and that are disapproving.Even the attacks of the golden elixir monks cannot hurt it.
The red feathered eagle fluttered its wings slightly and arrived in front of Qingyang.Qingyang remembered that the last time he went to Jingfeng Mountain, Ouyang Jing s cultivation level was the same as his own, at the eighth level of The Benefits of Sativa Sleep Gummies for a Restful Night's Sleep (RRRWu)
Qi refining.
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said that there is no other way.When the time comes, I will use them all. Not to mention the third level living dead, even a real foundation building monk can blow him to ashes.
Why did he ask this question However, he still replied, I have been cultivating all these years and have not considered this issue yet.Hearing Master Lingxu s words, Qingyang couldn t help but be stunned.
Some people may just want to get rewards from the sect and bring glory to the sect.If Tao Zhengyou and Tao Yougong also got into trouble, Tao Youcheng would also be in trouble.
It s just that Master Lingxu came in more than ten days ago, and they know it very well.There is some truth in what Wei Yufeng said. Because of the haste of the confrontation just now, Wei Yufeng s Yin Yang Slash did not show its full potential.
It s easy. I still overestimate myself. The strength of Qi Refining Perfection is really beyond the reach of ordinary monks.Li Shengbo did not die, but he suffered first. The enemies were extremely jealous when they met each other.
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but before that, he had seen other trial monks eating the living dead, and had seen many life and death matters.It was Master Jiang who took him and Li Shengbo to recruit Qingyang into the Qingfeng Palace during the Kowling Immortal Conference in Yuling City.
After eating Li Shengbo, the Mountain Shocking Rats were still unsatisfied.Who is the one who has just entered the water Come on, please come forward.
You must know that he has raised his cultivation from the seventh level of Qi refining to It took more than two years to complete the seventh level of Qi refining.Seeing that this guy refuses to repent. Zhiwei Sanren was completely angry, and said If you dare to speak harshly even when you are about to die, then don t blame me for being rude.
The Yuling Sect did not dare to fall out, let alone the people of the Yin Yang Sect.