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                Seeing the Wa Palace open to welcome guests , some talented elites from all over the world were shocked and began to hand out invitations, and then entered carefully.He Jie and Wei Guangde did not cause trouble for him anymore.

                In that case, let s get started. Lin Yin er glanced at the audience with her beautiful eyes, and finally focused on Ye Fei, saying calmly.Although Ye Fei is a low level disciple, he is still a fourth grade alchemist and a member of the Alchemy Guild.

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                He is the body of the stars and the future saint. If you dare to touch a hair, my brother will cut you into pieces Ye Wudi was left alone.After passing several big cities and several teleportation domain gates, Ye Fei didn t stop at all.

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                How ridiculous, huh At this time, a cold voice came, and a group of people appeared in front of Ye Fei and others.Although the upper management is protecting Senior Brother Ye, there are still many people who are opposed.

                Senior sister, were there any important delays just now We almost fell into this person s trap.Jiang Yulang explained. What, is Brother Ye looking for someone Liu Qingyang asked curiously.

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