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    Важный навык

      Целуйко Андрей, Симферополь, отзыв о тренинге ораторское искусство
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        Для подчеркивания важности информации. Пауза делается обычно после важных или значительных фраз. И в этот момент у слушателей в голове звучат последние слова оратора. Можно делать паузу перед важной информацией, акцентируя на этом внимание. Например: «Сейчас я скажу основную причину низкого урожая зерновых». После этого делается пауза. И даже те,… Подробнее »Пауза оратора для подчеркивания важности информации

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                    Подробнее »Внешний вид во время публичных выступлений

                    Сказка о храме с тысячью зеркал

                      Много сотен лет назад, одна собака посетила находящийся в Индии храм, в котором была тысяча зеркал. Она добралась до храма, совершив утомительное путешествие, длившееся много недель.

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                      It s you Biluo Sect. You really have some backbone.Fortunately, Ye Fei is now mentally strong and has many spiritual weapons in his hands.

                      It s incredible. Ye Fei was shocked. He suddenly remembered the news that a huge mountain suddenly grew overnight in an area in the western part of Dragon Kingdom.Otherwise, I will be sorry for the word whore and thief.

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                      I heard Master said that when the portal is transmitted, they will be together.He wiped the cold sweat on his face and secretly resented the box where Ye Fei was.

                      On the high platform, Moya looked at everyone casually, a little bored.One day, you will bear all the consequences. Fruit.

                      He thought he could Hollow Knight - Path of Pain Speedrun - Done in 2:29.9 [fIo4mv3awRs] escape at any time. God, so he turned around, looked at Ye Fei and said ferociously.At this moment, my heart is satisfied. Ye Fei said seriously.

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                      The South Territory borders the north and is home to thousands of sects.No matter what happens in the future, I will not regret it.

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                      Phew Ye Fei took a deep breath and started refining again.He looks good and has good strength. He is qualified to be my concubine.

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                      Replying to senior, the disciple has not seen it. Ye Fei behaved respectfully.One palm glowed with a faint black luster. Yin Wind Palm, Ouyang Tian s famous stunt.

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                      His face was red and his ears were red. Qingyang and Lu Feng did not go over to join in the fun, but just meditated on the hilltop to regulate their breath.I stopped by to see you and your wife, where is Junior Brother Tian Sang Qinglan said, Lao Tian was captured by them because he owed them spiritual stones.

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                      The most shocking ones are Duan Rusong and Yun Xiaomei.After deducting the area they have explored for more than three months and the dozens of miles surrounding the Lingshi vein, there is still quite a lot of space left.

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                      In fact, there is nothing to say. Yu Mengmiao was directly accepted as a closed disciple by Fairy Duanqing during the Immortal Kowling Conference.Instead, he took advantage of this opportunity and asked the Iron armed Monkey to pick up the spear and the talisman left by Li Shengbo.

                      Qingyang didn t have a good way to deal with it, so he could only hide a little farther away, and then control the three yuan sword formation to defend.Zhiwei Sanren also shuddered and quickly retracted his hand.

                      After the injured Mountain Shocking Rat met with the other Mountain Shocking Rats, they just squeaked a few times, and then the Mountain Shocking Rats surrounded them in the direction of Qingyang.The strength of the Iron armed Monkey is only at the fourth level.

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                      Moreover, cleaning it once is too troublesome. Qingyang has no habit of digging through garbage.The two old men shouting at Qingyang were somewhat similar in appearance.

                      The One Horned Ghost King s Breath Condensation Technique is very clever.However, it has recently been rumored that the seven immortal sects have entered Tujiao City together and are preparing to join forces to destroy Yinfeng Gorge.

                      Qingjing Sanren is not only the deputy head of Qingfeng Hall, but also the head of the Qin family.All the disciples in the palace are elites of the sect, and they will fight for the sect.