Страничка тренера

Практикующий психолог, бизнес-тренер, консультант.
- частные психологические консультации
- организация и проведение открытых семинаров
- проведение корпоративных программ, выездных тренингов.
1. Бизнес:
- Тренинги по продажам
- Тренинги Team-building (формирование команды)
- Тренинги по управлению персоналом
- Коучинг
2. Личностное развитие:
- Открытые семинары личностного роста
- Клуб Умоведов
- Индивидуальное консультирование
тел: +38 067-773-77-17
mailto: trener81@gmail.com
Бизнес направление
Тренинг по продажам
Данный тренинг рассматривает продажи в целом, разделяя их на активные и пассивные. К активным относятся: продажи по телефону, дистрибуционные продажи и продажи товаров и услуг; к пассивным – сервисное обслуживание клиентов, продажи в розничной сети.
Основные модули тренинга:
планирование и подготовка,
выявление потребностей, презентация,
работа с возражениями, завершение сделки,
управление продажами.
Методы обучения:
мини – лекция, практические
задания для закрепления навыков, ролевые
игры и деловые игры (провокации), мозговые
штурмы и групповые дискуссии.
Тренинг Team-building (командообразовательный)
Тренинг включает два вида программ: аудиторную и веревочный курс.
Аудиторная программа
глубоко рассматривает теоретические
аспекты понятия «команда»: чем команда
отличается от группы, особенности команды
и управления командой, задачи команды
и ролевое распределение, положительные
и отрицательные стороны работы с командой.
В курс могут быть включены элементы активного
формирования команды.
Веревочный курс
– это тренинг позволяющий сформировать
команду из группы участников тренинга.
Командообразующие методы: игровые ситуации,
задания для укрепления взаимодействия
участников, групповая дискуссия. Также
веревочный курс можно рассматривать,
как мощный инструмент нематериальной
мотивации персонала.
Тренинг по управлению персоналом
Данный вид тренинга включает три направления:
- управление по целям;
- управление процессами;
- управление персоналом.
Тема «Управление по целям»
Любая деятельность
определена целью. Четко сформированные
цели и стратегии их достижения залог
успешности любой компании. На тренинге
«Управление по целям» участники научатся
грамотно работать с целями, разрабатывать
эффективные стратегии их достижения,
получат ответы на вопросы что делать
и как делать.
«Управление процессами»
Процессы это и есть
та деятельность, которая призвана обеспечить
достижение цели максимально эффективным
путем. Но все ли процессы действительно
оптимально организованы с точки зрения
достижения результата? Как организовать
процессы таким образом, чтобы вся компания
работала как единый организм? Как адекватно
оценить полученные результаты деятельности?
Вот основной перечень вопросов на которые
получат ответы участники тренинга «Управление
«Управление персоналом»
Цели поставленные компанией
могут быть достигнуты только благодаря
скоординированным усилиям и достаточной
квалификации персонала. Поэтому руководителям
необходимо уметь правильно подобрать
специалистов, адаптировать их к условиям
работы в новой компании, грамотно поставить
задачи, мотивировать персонал на выполнение
поставленных задач, обучить персонал,
контролировать выполнение поставленных
задач, корректировать деятельность подчиненных
и многое другое. Именно этим вопросам
и посвящен тренинг «Управление персоналом».
Данный формат
развития предусматривает индивидуальную
работу тренера с заказчиком. В
индивидуальном порядке рассматриваются
темы, которые требуют наибольшего внимания
с точки зрения заказчика. Заказчиком
в данном случае может выступать, как собственник
компании, так и другие ключевые фигуры.
Цели развития, желаемые результаты, регламент
и частота встреч, длительность обучения
устанавливаются заказчиком по согласованию
с тренером.
Личностное развитие
Открытые семинары личностного роста
- Искусство быть счастливым.
Бывают люди счастливые,
а бывают не очень. И если внимательно
изучить жизнь тех и других, то вы увидите,
что состояние счастья, не имеет непосредственной
взаимосвязи ни с финансовым положением,
ни со статусом, ни с какими иными внешними
обстоятельствами. Просто одни люди умеют
жить счастливо, а другие нет. Хотите научиться
жить счастливо, управлять своей жизнью,
любить себя таким, какой вы есть, обрести
путь и состояние гармонии – приходите!
- Взаимоотношения глазами Мужчины и Женщина.
Трудно переоценить
важность отношений с противоположным
полом. Каждый человек, будь то мужчина
или женщина, очень хочет любить, быть
любимым. Каждому приятно пользоваться
спросом со стороны противоположного
пола. Все хотят иметь счастливую семью.
Но как же редко мы видим это в реальной
жизни. Если Вы хотите не только мечтать
о любви и отношениях, но и создавать их
в своей жизни, если не боитесь того, что
для этого от Вас могут потребоваться
определенные усилия – добро пожаловать
на семинар.
- Как достичь цели.
Как много мы хотим иметь
в своей жизни, и деньги и свободу и любовь
и дом и машину и… Хотим то мы многого,
а вот имеем значительно меньше. Хотите
иметь то, что вы действительно хотите?
Тогда этот семинар для Вас.
- Обретение внутренней силы.
Базовый семинар посистеме разработанной
Владимиром Жикаренцевым и является первой
ступенью «Школы мира». Семинар о том,
как использовать силы своего ума в своих
творческих и созидательных интересах.
Семинар о том, как изменить свою жизнь.
Семинар, открывающий путь к свободе.
Клуб «Умовед»
По началу я просто проводил презентационные встречи перед
семинарами, чтобы люди могли сначала
попробовать то, что им предлагают, а уж
потом решать, нужно им это или нет. Но
я увидел, что интерес к таким презентационным
мероприятиям стабильно сохраняется даже
у тех, кто уже посетил мои семинары и тренинги.
Принцип айкидо подсказал мне, что не нужно
сопротивляться силе, которая приходит,
намного лучше пользоваться этой же силой.
Так появился клуб «Умовед».
Индивидуальное консультирование
Это мой любимый конек. Почему? Да потому, что именно в
этом формате есть возможность максимально
глубоко и тщательно проработать все запросы
клиента. Поскольку есть только клиент
и консультант, то все время и внимание
консультанта направлено только на клиента,
только на Вас. На индивидуальном консультировании
рассматриваются именно те вопросы, которые
интересуют клиента. Какие это вопросы?
Разные, но по сути все классифицируется
на основные жизненные сферы: деньги, самореализация,
работа и любовь, взаимоотношения, секс, здоровье.
From December to now, Qunxing Capital has been one of the major players in launching the exponential market.Fang Hong pondered and continued In addition, it is necessary to initially grasp the basic behavioral motivations of traders of different schools in the market, such as leading relays, such as oversold rebounds, such as new speculators, etc.
The energy of Qunxing Capital is not what it used to be.87 , with a market value of 116. 2 billion yuan. Weibo, which is listed on the main board of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, has fluctuated around the price of 150 yuan for more than a year.
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door all day long and hang out.As for the stock price of Jiuzhou Blue Arrow, the moment the first stage rocket successfully landed on the ground, the stock price skyrocketed.
Some people are afraid that the situation at that time will happen again, so they cash in and run away.657 billion yuan, a year on year increase of 24. 68.
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developed Blue Arrow 1 was a great success, and it has accumulated rich experience and technical reserves.084 billion kWh, a year on year increase of 6. 46. From a historical perspective, the third quarter The quarterly flood season has the greatest impact on the full year performance, but poor water flow during the third quarter of this year had a greater impact on Yangtze Power s performance.
At 82 o clock, the total transaction volume of the two cities was 1.Almost all investors came to watch. Sure enough, if nothing happens, another accident will happen.
If Fang Hong s Qunxing Capital is to explode in gold varieties, it will have to fall.This is not good news for Baidu. This is before they experience the internal beta version, because the experience of the current official version of Spirit Realm Search is already far better than that of competing products such as Baidu, Shenma, and Sosou.
Qunxing Capital is not hot money. Even if the hot money is doubled 10 million and earns 100 million, the 90 million earned can be thrown into a few steel shops in the market.The time sharing line turned around and dived again.
At this time, some people in some stock forums analyzed that someone was using the influence of Qunxing Capital to deceive everyone into taking the deal.Once you find out, stuff the money and settle the situation for me.
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They feel chilled. He is going to kill me How can I hold back, otherwise I will be the one who dies, right Ye Fei looked indifferent and stepped forward with his sword.Later Guiyuan period The woman in white looked solemn, and couldn t help but reach out and touch the Tissot hanging on the jade neck.
This shows that this woman really has some background.Roar From the other direction, a loud roar suddenly came, and a powerful bloody aura surged in, blocking the big hand.
Tian Yan s expression changed drastically. He stood up suddenly and looked around Who are you, Your Excellency Why do you know the general outline of my Tian family s martial arts Tian Yan s voice was obviously excited and indifferent.there was a big war in Ningcheng, and the head of the family died in the battle Ji Shui, a strong man in the early stage of Heaven Realm, said sadly.
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The woman in white shouted coldly.The dark, soft land is extremely vast and secluded, and the half of the cliff has cracked lines on it.
Fall out and ruin your reputation. Jiang Yulang, do you really want to protect him to the end Ma Junhao, the central disciple of the Yin and Yang Sect, swayed and came to Ye Fei and others.Crash Ye Fei was flying over the lake with his flying sword.
I didn t expect that your weapons would see the light of day again.Okay, you don t have to worry about this matter. With your current strength, it s best not to leave the Southern Territory and just stay within the three thousand miles of the family.
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Ran was very cruel, and in a flash, he was in front of the red dragon.It s indeed a meteorite from the sky. I was lucky enough to see it last time.
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appear next to Ye Fei at this moment, using his spiritual power to resist Nansha s inexplicable pressure.
At this moment, it was really a slap in the face. Since he had locked people in, he was now kneeling down to ask them to come out.Ye Fei said solemnly. Next, Ye Fei found a shop and walked in.
Is this kid going to be promoted again This is not a good thing.However, this only happened for a moment, and Murong Xue soon woke up.
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The old man got straight to the point and got straight to the point.he has already offended the public, and in the next step, I am afraid that the Yin Yang Sect and the Alchemy Guild will not be able to protect him.
Ye Fei, one day, as long as I don t die, I will definitely kill you Ah The picture scroll shows a small world with blue sky, white clouds, green springs and green grass, and Yulin rolls on the grass, Trapped by the yin and yang ropes, with a bulging figure, flying hair, struggling, rolling, and nervous roars, there is an alluring spring scene.
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the territory, Laozi who rode an ox to the west, Zhang Sanfeng, the founder of Wudang who disappeared, and even Tiantian Palace was also a Taoist Palace.In fact, there are a total of twelve overturning waves.
Little thing, do you know how to be grateful Okay, don t add any more.There must be a way to deal with the power of Nine Yin.
I specifically asked Speaker Vittorio to solidify a magic that can monitor the trajectories of electrons inside the device, and its switch It s completely random Jeffrey suddenly felt his eyes light up, and the look of dissatisfaction on his face immediately diminished a lot.The transmittance of graphene is very good, reaching more than 97.
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and those who can successfully pass will be eligible for promotion.At this moment, he seemed to have seen a corona medal waving to him Teacher, what is going on The faces of the apprentices beside him were full of confusion.
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publicity of Magic Daily, almost everyone in the city learned that Linn, known as the Magic Star, was preparing to experiment with new magic tonight.Immediately afterwards, all the alchemical runes used to accumulate energy lit up one by one, and through guided magic, they were all gathered into the platform Nafs ka size barhane wala Pump || Penis Enlargement Pump || increase penis size [TdD7wT4B59Y]
where Vittorio was standing
The huge amount of energy was materialized in the form of thunder, and the flashing The arc of electricity passed along the runes, and finally poured into Vittorio s body.
We should have continued to pursue them before we knew it.It s very possible
Linn nodded. I guess the coverage of this probability cloud is the entire field All the elements inside are part of Artok.
Ivina fell into a daze. In the northern part of the empire, the wizards she saw were all crazy and sick.According to the records retrieved, it is an encryption method that was abandoned thousands of years ago.
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area swept by the thunder, a large number of wandering souls and screaming demons poured out from the time and space gate, and were directly annihilated under the thunder light all over the sky
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because their bodies are paralyzed and lose the ability to fly.
A tall and thin little nobleman seemed to have suddenly thought of something and hurriedly reminded him.This promotion went very smoothly without any surprises.
He watched helplessly as the poisonous mist was blown into an uninhabited area.However, Linn rejected Arad s idea my service dogs tasks for PTSD | Jen & Pharaby #lifewithaservicedog [coanz1UgWwG]
in a calm tone. What I mean is that light has both particle and wave characteristics at the same time, just like what we saw in the experiment just now.
Discontinuity. So the magic star assumed that its emission and absorption are not continuous, but part by part, then there must be a minimum value This value is the quantum constant the minimum value that can be divided energy The entire wavelength calculation formula translates to the wavelength of an object equal to the quantum constant divided by its momentum With the calculation power of the great wizard, Anthony only took one second to calculate that an adult moving forward at a normal speed, Its wavelength is about 10 37 meters, and this scale is almost negligible.
More than half of the more than 100 airships responsible for diverting the main force of the Holy See were damaged, and there were more than 2,000 casualties Almost everyone in the parliament s top combat force was injured Harrov endured Lucia s full blow, and Vittorio was blinded by the nuclear Backstreet Boys - Quit Playing Games (With My Heart) (Official HD Video) [Q7jGQSzimcK]
explosion, both of which were recovering.
After all, the impact of this dispute is too great.But after actually seeing this so called time and space node, Lin En couldn t help but have another doubt in his mind.
At least we can use our own plan in terms of appearance.These words were quickly recognized by everyone, and the priests present woke up one after another.
This way, he didn t have to calculate how many turns the dial made, he could see it at a glance.Glenn and other pilots also thought it was very possible.
She thought about countless possibilities, such as the possibility that Lott died that night in Harbor Town, or that he did not take the ride to the Wizarding Land at all, but went to another place, or that he had been avoiding it all these years because he hated herself.They only have enough time to specialize in one direction But, I remember you said that the speed of light is the upper limit of the speed of the universe
A great wizard said eagerly. At first, he felt that this theory was not very reliable, especially the faster the speed, the slower the flow of time.
Dragon of Winter Varok opened his mouth wide and spit out a terrifying breath of ice.The road to magic is rugged. We are all just exploring the way forward in the dark.
If it exceeds this limit, it may be severely damaged or even completely annihilated In fact, the situation was worse than they expected, because Vittorio deployed a lot of computing power when constructing the magic body, and the state of the spirit body was deteriorating almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.
To be directly promoted from the Great Wizard of the Five Rings to Legend
This is really incredible. Vittorio looked at Linn and said with a click of his tongue.I don t understand what you are talking about Master Lin En, is there any misunderstanding in this
These people are indeed my attendants, but I did not
I always thought that our cooperation was pretty good.
It s so fast
Raphael looked at the shooting star and was also shocked.After several months of fighting, the entire eastern, central and southern regions of the empire have been occupied.
Vittorio is naturally very attentive. Not only is he responsible for the most core arrangement of the magic circle, he will personally check the arrangement of every rune whenever he has free time.Now even the Queen of Saints has fallen in the kingdom one after another.
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magic Linn continued to ask.Although he had Insomnia - Wheesung - Tiktok Korean Version [Hkn0ZPxXYpM]
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Even with the addition of the inscription of the alchemy circle, the transformation of the new thruster was completed within two hours.The wizards stationed in the position could not stop this group of knights who were blessed with divine magic and had ferocious beasts per capita.
He understood that the wizards must be testing their obedience to the parliament.To the rest of the companions, it will become their source of benefits and strength.
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Also, immediately send someone to the City of Fire and Oil and use all means to check for me.Maybe we can think of a solution together. Lin En secretly had a headache.
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Lucia guessed. In the last battle against the kingdom, the Griffin Knights led by Avdel brought a lot of kerosene, and most likely they were captured.Under Lin En s heroic words, in the next few months, all the high level alchemists in the entire parliament devoted themselves to the research of the disc spacecraft.
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Lin suddenly raised his hand to stop his words, and then sat still with his eyes closed.The surge was almost instantaneous, so fast that even great wizards like them could not react.
Hearing this, Lin En nodded. There was nothing out of nowhere.However, although this fire dragon was huge, it was more flexible than they imagined.
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In addition to the basic subjects of elements, shaping, alchemy, and potions, there are also three subjects of Mathematical Olympiad, physics, and chemistry.Raphael ordered in a deep voice. Since there is already a halfling, If they go back to report the news, it will prevent the other party from escaping and migrating, so they must set out immediately to block this tribe.
However, now that promotion can rely on the magic network to increase computing power, it is safer, so it is no longer used.Part of the theory about combustion introduced the more rigorous Three Elements of Flame This time his idea was also very simple, which was to use violent high temperatures to destroy atoms When Adela was studying fire magic, she discovered that high temperatures can dissociate substances into the form of basic atoms.
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No problem Linn agreed without hesitation. Then he clicked his fingers, and the neatly stacked papers on the desk flew out one by one, landing on every wizard in the exhibition hall.Domain, even the blazing eternal flames were temporarily suppressed.
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of the business class As long as they work a little, these people will be the first knife to stab the empire In addition, we can also use new fighter planes to deliver leaflets to major cities throughout the empire, pointing out errors and omissions in the Bible, and exposing the true face of the church
Lin En talked eloquently. Since the church wants to deepen the faith in the hearts of the people of the empire, then they will destroy it in turn This should be able to effectively weaken the power of the false god.