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Отмазкология (Отговоркология)

  • Автор этой статьи — Андрей Целуйко, мой хороший друг и коллега. Ссылка на его сайт. Он же и придумал термин «отмазкология».

Люди очень часто ищут причину, дабы оправдать свое бездействие или лень. И они находят множество причин, почему за то или иное дело браться не стоит. И у них это прекрасно получается. В народе это называется «лепить отмазку»

Собрав такие «отмазки» (отговорки) и систематизировав, получили «Отмазкологию». Или «Отговоркологию»

  • Пример, человек говорит, что ХОЧЕТ НАУЧИТЬСЯ ПЛАВАТЬ, НО… у него есть веская причина, почему у него это не получится.


1. Внешние причины

1.1. Среда

1.1.1. Географическое положение страны/города/дома

  • Вот если бы я жил возле океана/моря/реки/озера…

1.1.2. Экология

  • Сейчас в реках купаться нельзя!

1.2. Общество

1.2.1. Правительство и законы

  • Качество воды в бассейнах ужасное! Никто за этим не следит. Реки грязные. Экология ужасает

1.2.2. Культура

  • Вот если бы учили культурно плавать в бассейне…

1.2.3. Время жизни

  • Вот если бы 100 лет назад, когда это было доступно/нужно

1.2.4. Востребованность

  • А кому сейчас нужны инструктора для обучения плаванию?!…

1.2.5. Мода

  • Фи, бассейн так не моден!

1.2.6.Окружающие люди Засмеют

  • И буду я, как дура, барахтаться в «лягушатнике»… Помешают

  • Мне постоянно шеф ставит палки в колеса, так как не хочет, чтобы я тоже стал плавать, как и он…

1.3. Семья

1.3.1. Воспитание

  • Вот если бы научили в свое время плавать в бассейне…

1.3.2. Родители

  • Мне мама/папа сказали, что я смогу попасть в бассейн только через их труп…

1.3.3. Генетика

  • Моя мама не умеет плавать, бабушка утонула в реке в возрасте 95 лет, даже мой кот боится воды!…

1.3.4. Образование/специальность

  • Ну как я буду с высшим образованием по материаловедению учиться плавать?!…

1.3.5. Любимый/супруг

  • Он не умеет плавать, а я, что – не поддержу его?!…

1.3.6. Дети

  • Вот утону я, а кто тогда за детьми смотреть будет?!!!

2. Внутренние причины

2.1. Организм

2.1.1. Болезнь/аллергия

  • У меня аллергия на воду! И, возможно, на воздух…

2.1.2. Память

  • Я не смогу запомнить столь сложную последовательность движений рук, чтоб плыть…

2.1.3. Слабость физическая

  • Да я же и двух метров не проплыву!!!

2.1.4. Возраст

  • Вот если бы скинуть годков …-ндцать, тогда да!

2.2. Дух

2.2.1. Слабая сила воли

  • Я же не смогу заставить себя каждые выходные приходить в бассейн!

2.2.2. Смысл Итог – смерть

  • А зачем? Мы все равно умрем…. Желание

  • Ну что-то не хочется…Ну совсем не хочется… Самодостаточность

  • Да я и без этого бассейна жила, и дальше проживу… Я не смогу изменить Мир

  • Можно подумать, что, если я научусь плавать, то людям от этого станет легче… Это мне не пригодиться

  • Я твердо решил стать космонавтом, так что бассейн – это детские игрушки, по сравнению с тем, что меня ждет…

 2.3. Вера

2.3.1. Религия

  • Великий Бог Крамошупурута запрещает даже касаться лишний раз воды и тем осквернять наше тело!

2.3.2. Рок судьбы

  • Бабка нагадала, что я утону, так что никаких бассейнов, и ни в коем разе!

2.3.2. Предназначение.

  • Раз не умею плавать, значит так нужно!

 2.4. Самооценка

2.4.1. Завышенная Умею, но не хочу

  • Да, я и так умею плавать, хоть и в воде не разу не был… Всегда смогу научиться быстро

  • Та, ерунда, стоит мне пару минут в воде побыть, как я освою и кроль, и брасс… Заносчивость

  • Да, и я рядом с уборщицей плавать не буду, а другие тут и не плавают…

2.4.2. Заниженная ОтсутствиеУма

  • Не, тут нужно много думать, а то не так рукой махнешь и утонешь. Лучше не буду рисковать…Таланта

  • Так для плавания талант нужен. А у меня его точно нету – я же под водой дышать не могу… Амбиций

  • Чтоб плавать, нужно быть хорошим ныряльщиком… Страх

  • Да у меня боязнь воды, наверное… Аквафобия, вот!

3. Нехватка ресурсов

3.1. Время

3.1.1. Важная работа

  • Ну да, сейчас, все брошу и пойду ерундой заниматься…

3.1.2. Отсутствие времени

  • У меня и так на отдых времени нет, а вы еще и нагрузить меня хотите этим бассейном!

3.1.3. Перенос дела

  • Давай лучше завтра/послезавтра/на следующей неделе…

3.2. Деньги и вещи

3.2.1. Деньги

  • Так это же платить придется, еще и, наверное, сумасшедшие деньги, это же элитный спорт!!!

3.2.2. Вещи

  • Если бы у меня была очки и шапочка, тогда запросто…

3.3. Люди

3.3.1. Учитель

  • Да вы что, они же сами плавают абы как, а меня еще учить будут…

3.3.2. Помощник

  • Тут хороший помощник по плаванию нужен…

3.3.3. Друг

  • Вот был бы друг, с которым можно ходить вместе в этот бассейн…

3.4. Информация

3.4.1. Отсутствие информации

  • Если бы я достал учебник или инструкцию по плаванию в бассейне…

3.4.2. Псевдоинформация

  • Я читал, в каком-то журнале, что большинство людей не умеют плавать

Практическое упражнение: 

Напишите «отговорки» (по любому из двух пунктов):

  • Что Вам мешает каждый день начинать с 10-ти минутной зарядки. (10 минут это много?)
  • Вспомните любую из ваших целей. Напишите к ней «отговорки» («отмазки»).

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С уважением, Болсунов Олег

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6 комментариев для “Отмазкология”

  1. Спасибо, Клавдий, за вопрос!
    Целуйко Андрей упоминал тренинг «Семьеведение», который я проводил на выездных «Трудных Играх».
    Тренинг был в рамках Молодежного Клуба «Зодчие», которым я руководил. Там были все «свои», поэтому подобный тренинг был уместен. Этот тренинг давно у меня просили. И были за него благодарны.
    Сводился он к практике 🙂
    Ведь что нужно, чтобы понять, что такое семья? — правильно, пожить так, хотя бы несколько дней…

  2. Можете уточнить и немного рассказать о тренинге : со страницы Андрея Целуйко
    Эксперимент в семье
    Теоретически, у вас есть молодость для совершения нужного количества ошибок и получения необходимого опыта. Вот только эксперимент хорош, когда он осознан и выбрана определенная методика его проведения. Тогда и опыт, полученный от такого обучения, усваивается крепко, надолго и с пользой.

    Помню, как подобные курсы проводил Олег Болсунов в Знаменовском лесу (спасибо ему за это огромное), и такое обучение «семьеведению» было подобно изучению свойств взрывчатого вещества в лаборатории под руководством профессора. Полученный опыт был столь ценным, что многие выводы я использую до сих пор. И буду передавать его своим детям…

Добавить комментарий для Лікар Клавдій Отменить ответ

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Please let me go. This Lianyuan Sword is an intermediate spiritual weapon.Soon, news about Chaotian Que came, making his expression become extremely embarrassed.

now it seems that the more difficult part is yet to come.Looking around casually, some new disciples were also timidly ordering dishes with joy.

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It was because Guan Tong had something on his mind that he was suppressing and accidentally released.Seeing that Ye Fei was boasting about Haikou, he thought that his plan was successful, so he used all his strength.

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She rose into the air and grabbed the rope, while Ye Fei She desperately jumped off the Tissot to meet Wu Juan, and at the same time, she desperately slapped more than a dozen palms in a row to stop the opponent.Poof Hao Dayou didn t expect that Ye Fei would blow up the Yin Yang Bell that relied on spiritual consciousness to cultivate so directly.

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Now there are only seven people left in the so called Thirteen Riders of Mangshan.In each person s hand, Ye Fei naturally has one in his hand.

On the day when the entire Dragon Kingdom is celebrating the Lunar New Year of the Dragon Kingdom, several figures have appeared on Mount Emei.One is a weasel like thing, standing upright and worshiping.

I heard about it, I can understand it. Ye Fei followed Mr.What about Elder Tang, after you get some sleep A disciple felt that Tang Wuzang was very easy to get along with, so he asked boldly.

Ma Jun was retired from the Tianlong Army. This tragic death made the Tianlong Army extremely angry.Hey, this sister, Brother Ye is right, it was the people from the Yin Yang Sect who took action first.

It was huge and had countless buildings. Unlike Shangyang City, there was a city wall.The horn of the one horned rhinoceros is five hundred years old.

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Second uncle, my words have Dieting : How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss [cibmOsL12eN] been spoken, what do you think Is there any possibility of taking back what you said Tao Yougong looked around, and the faces of the three casual cultivators he invited showed greedy expressions.There are only three of us. They have actually been mentally prepared for something to happen to the leader, but in everyone s mind, the ones who should be in trouble the most are the weakest Jade Hoe Master and Huang Ming Master, not the powerful ones.

The current Three Yuan Sword Formation is so powerful.In less than half a quarter of an hour, the two of them worked together to kill Niu Cheng on the spot.

The three magic swords formed a small sword array in the air, and sword shadows swayed around them.Qingyang was too lazy to argue with this guy, but Chen Biwang next to him couldn t stand it and said, Luck is also a kind of strength.

He didn t know whether he had accepted his fate or had other ideas, but it could be seen from his slightly trembling body that he was deeply worried.Reported to Qingxin Sanren. Qingyang had nothing to hide and said, Uncle Deng, I went back this time just to see an elder.

She wanted to cut Qingyang into pieces, but she couldn t hurt the junior sister, so she stopped and said coldly, I was I warned this kid not to get close to you again, but he completely turned a deaf ear to my words and tempted you to do such an unsightly thing.Seeing that the Three Yuan Sword Formation was approaching, the living dead knew that it was useless to dodge, so he directly put his hands away and blocked Wei Yufeng in front of him.

Quick decision. Master Gu Hong also had this plan. This gray bearded rat is not stronger than any of them individually.It is impossible to win the Foundation Establishment Pill by participating in the competition with his current strength.

The first one was of course Tong Yan. It didn t take long for Tong Yan to break through the late stage of Qi refining, but he was assigned to the inner courtyard as soon as he entered the Qingfeng Palace.After a long time, Tao Youcheng turned his head, looked at Qingyang and said, Boy, if you hadn t forced me into a hurry, how could I have broken through the foundation building stage before the battle Speaking of which, I still want to thank you.

From this we Cialis Commercial Spoof [vTCtc3fblkQ] can see how cautious Mr. Lingxu is in his actions.Tian Xinmiao and Fang Lingyan, who have reached the sixth level of Qi Refining, are no less generous.

The tall and thin man, a man and a woman, one at the ninth level of Qi Refining and the other at the eighth level, were somewhat confident of dealing with Qingyang, the woman at the eighth level of Qi Refining, but alone It was hard to say when facing a man at the ninth level of Qi Refining.Junior Brother has underestimated your material. This is the main material for refining high grade spiritual weapons.

After listening to Zeng Shuisheng s words, Qingyuan Sanren DEF LEPPARD - "Love Bites" (Official Music Video) [d5C7it9ANxx] snorted coldly and said, The Jingshan Rat Group is so powerful, and all the disciples work together, how can they act separately Then Li Shengbo, as a senior brother, has such serious selfishness, he is really in vain for our Qingfeng Palace.

Of course Duan Rusong and Yun Xiaomei will not intercept them.Qingyang had long known that this would be the result.

Just when the mountain breaking ax is about to come, Qingyang s Three Yuan Sword Formation finally takes shape.Compared with being stung by the alcoholic bee a few times, , he felt that the threat from the living dead was greater.

This family of casual cultivators can contend. Thinking of this, Liang Viral Fat Burning Smoothie Recipe |Lose Belly Fat Fast in 7 Days!ytshortsviral ViralSmoothieRecipe [hxe45LHEoaP] Chongtian said again, Thank you so much to Brother Qingyang.Thinking of this, Qingyang did not dare to waste any more time and quickly entered the Drunken Immortal Gourd.

The number of people did not decrease, but was just covered by the formation.Foolishly, if you can t come up with any useful information after you go back, you still won t be able to get the job.

When it was his turn, he immediately admitted defeat on the court without any delay.He only got something worth more than two hundred spiritual stones.

During these seven years, Qingyang devoted most of his energy to cultivation, rarely caring about what happened inside and outside the What are Calories in Urdu | Weight Loss Calorie Calculator Goal | (Urdu/Hindi/Punjabi) [nUvRqeWvI43] sect, and almost never visited friends.Seeing that Qingyang had no room for negotiation, Senior Brother Qin was very angry and said, Okay, okay Boy, you are really smart.

name. The whole scene was in an uproar. A small fourth level Qi Refining monk could get so many spiritual herbs, and one person could pull the ranking of Qingfeng Palace from sixth to third.Of course, this is just Qingyang s intuition and there is no real evidence.

His second brother, who had a slight upper hand just now, would become half dead in the blink of an eye.The natal essence of a ghost cultivator is more important than the natal essence and blood of a monk.

Snake gallbladder and snake bones are also good materials for refining elixirs and qi.As long as Qin "Unlock Your Full Potential: Discover the Secrets of Natural Sexual Enhancement!" [pq5MSJ0efKG] Ruyan is rescued, even if the one eyed dragon Lengyu cannot be defeated by then, everyone can still fight and retreat, or escape separately.

If you contribute less but receive as much as others, others must be unbalanced.Even the foundation building monks appeared. Yu Gym wear shopping 😁💪 | Aarti Sahu | shorts weightloss [MYzoZa6CMUD] Mengmiao saw that things were getting worse and worse.

As long as it continues to maintain its position in the future, it is still very promising to become the first of the seven immortal sects.How much trouble Qingyang caused. Calculating the time, there are still five or six days before everyone agrees to meet up, so Qingyang is not in a hurry to go out.

It was the iron armed monkey who had been subdued by Qingyang for a long time.this battle lasted for two quarters of an hour. However, after all, the golden eyed eagle was just a beast that had not survived the spiritual tribulation.

Lu Feng nodded and said, The blood bat is a rare monster in the world of cultivation.That s quite decent. How can you, a little Foundation building monk, escape from the golden elixir Exploration of monsters Wei Haoran sneered.

He just wanted to test how different he How to deal with insomnia? Tips to help you for a better sleep [SIUFwNdmK0s] would be from other foundation building monks after his breakthrough.He heard everything he said just now. No wonder this place was empty before.

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The result is that these things can indeed affect the trajectory of electrons, but they can only barely reproduce it if they carefully adjust various data.You are right, Father Hatar regretted extremely why he had cooperated with these evil wizards to destroy the kingdom, but it was obviously too late to regret it now.

It has to be said that this magic star can always come up with some very amazing ideas.Gray flames ignited on the skeleton horse. One person and one horse were like a blast of wind, covering hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye.

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Tik is one of them. Because he was selected to join the foreign exploration team, he temporarily delayed the promotion of the Grand Wizard.It was only a month since the last large scale invasion, and this time the magnitude was even more exaggerated, with a quarter of the entire foreign airspace affected.

From a low dimensional level, he is dead, and Linn s consciousness is gradually dissipating.Tim originally wanted to hide, but when he saw that neither Lin nor Dennis moved, he had to stand still and comfort himself that he was a great wizard after all, so he probably wouldn t acv gummy goli [OOhp7jRVN7o] be killed After everyone hid. After that, Dennis pressed the start button.

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Fortunately, Vittorio soon realized that with his own abilities, he could not directly construct the entire body under the impact of energy.A ruthless god is never easy to deal with, not to mention that he is still in the opponent s divine domain.

She and her husband were extremely grateful for this kindness.shaped frame structure. However, at the moment when the shape of the cage changed, a black stream of light immediately flew out of it, trying to Onda Cero Radio , hombre toma viagra [6tIdRg2FAxC] get out from the gap in the frame that was less than one centimeter long and wide But why didn t Linn guard against this He built a force field magic on the outside of the cage.

First, monochromatic light cannot be further divided.The food in their hands is worthless, because from now on, the Parliament will contract the food of everyone in the kingdom.

He also agreed that he should first withstand the invasion of the gods of the main world, protect them from them, and first deal with the alien fleets that formed to approach.It seems that this debate has come to an end Vittorio, who was in the exhibition hall and did not participate in the debate, said with a smile.

Even if the whole journey is flown at twice the speed of sound, it will take 200 hours, which is eight and a half days.hands. Anthony also got a copy. At first he thought it was a research manuscript, but after a few glances, he was surprised to find that it was not what he Lose weight in 2 weeks ✅😊youtubeshorts shortsfeed shortvideo 1000subscriber [okSs3KW2jhI] thought.

As for what it is used for, you will know later Lin En Pattern Drip - Decapitated Male Enhancement [b0RN17Nz8Rj] said mysteriously.After hundreds of years of accumulation, it is by no means as simple as the Seven Rings Legend.

He was a little too calm, and there was no trace of surprise on his face from beginning to end.Recently, due to the opening of a new map, there will be slightly more foreshadowing chapters.

If they are allowed to conduct research on their own, they may be able to come up with some sensational theories.These undead souls really have no brains A smile appeared on Yolande s face.

They all knew that the magic star was conducting research on the transformation of matter and energy, and it was not completely impossible to use magic to solve the food problem.Some people say that wizards are far less terrifying than the church advertises.

But when the number of troops increases, the consumption of gold coins and food will be astronomical, and they will continue to be consumed, regardless of whether the troops go into battle or not.At least in the professional circle, he has reached the top level, and he is no longer standing around like a gangster when he was 18 years old.

If they are given a chance, they might be robbed. In this case, they must be on guard.But neither the Wind King Winged Dragon nor the Explosive Flying Dragon had any intention of stopping their attack.

The wall of the pool is inlaid with four yellow, red, blue and green dragon heads, which are spitting liquid corresponding to their own colors into the pool.A 30 increase in all attributes is a huge improvement for the golden dragon whose attributes are already exaggerated.

Just like the work done at this time. Logistics, management, intelligence etc. In other words, except for combat related matters, everything else is handled by Baihuahui.Obviously, Zhao Hao will not relax. Tiens Bihar & jharkhand present Launching of sleeping gummies [BrnQxap6UD6] The endless stream of arrows did not give the surviving archangels a chance to cast resurrection spells, and shot them to the ground one by one.

Let s go. If you don t leave, you may not be able to leave War King reminded.And a figure wearing a star robe, a mask, and holding a pair of golden fang shaped swords ducked to avoid the knife.

Even if the entire Tianhai Alliance is dispatched, there will be no chance of it.Even until Zhao Hao was reborn, no force had ever used this authority.

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