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Олег Болсунов

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Про несказанные речи

    Автор статьи: Виктория Сулай

    Есть речи успешные и неудачные. Красивые и не очень. Наполненные и пустые. Блестящие или с матовым покрытием. Но среди всех иных есть еще и речи несказанные.

    Несказанные речи застревают в горле, так и не прорвавшись наружу. Вот-вот, ты уже почти начал, почти открыл рот. Но что-то внутри говорит тебе:

    – не сейчас, не стоит
    – ты будешь смешным и нелепым, лучше помолчи
    – ты плохо звучишь
    – опять ляпнешь не то, как в прошлый раз, помнишь?
    – это никому не интересно, это не будут слушать
    – на фоне остальных твои рассказы скучные, даже не начинай
    – что подумают люди…

    Про несказанные речи
    Про несказанные речи

    Подробнее »Про несказанные речи

    Сколько должно длиться выступление оратора?

      Если публика довольна, и не хочет вас отпускать, можно рассказывать бесконечно. Столько, сколько публика желает вас слушать. Уходить желательно на пике интереса. Задолго до того, как публика «устанет» от вас. Желательно, чтобы осталось желание «послушать еще». В памяти слушателей вы останетесь желаемым оратором.

      Если нечего сказать…

        Из письма: Олег Игоревич! Говорить с паузами уже получается. Но не удовлетворен качеством речи (беден выбор). В этом моя самая основная проблема: приходится все время подбирать слова довольно долго (при обычном темпе речи). В результате — скудная, сбивчивая не достаточно информативная, ненасыщенная речь. С уважением, Юрий. Спасибо за письмо и… Подробнее »Если нечего сказать…

        Викладаємо українською. Школа ораторської майстерності

          Автор: Вікторія Сулай

          Ораторська майстерність українською мовою

          Сьогодні українська мова переживає своє друге народження.

          Все більше людей потроху переходить на українську. Ми вчимося на ній думати і говорити. Але це потребує неабияких зусиль. Так, це непросто і незвично. Думки губляться, слова забуваються, язик плутається… Ніби й рідна мова, але поки така недосяжна в плані вільного спілкування.

          В нашій Школі ораторської майстерності, за запитом учня, ми проводимо заняття українською мовою.

          Подробнее »Викладаємо українською. Школа ораторської майстерності

          Оратор. Свободные жесты

            Развивать жесты важно и нужно. Сначала новый навык требует усилий и сосредоточенности. Поначалу, жесты могут казаться неестественными, некрасивыми. Скорее нелепыми. Кроме того, подсознание, да и сознание тоже, поначалу сильно сопротивляется: «Привычнее же по-другому. Как! Чтобы рукой вот так и еще вот так! Это некрасиво! Так же никто не делает!» (Не… Подробнее »Оратор. Свободные жесты

            Фашисты – это вообще кто?

              Автор: Влад Солопченко, друг, кум… Публикую без редакции.

              В 2014 году, когда с северо-востока полезла информационная кампания по утверждению в сознании людей мысли, что в Украине к власти пришли фашисты (да-да, тогда в ходу был именно этот термин, а не “нацисты”, как сейчас), я с удивлением обнаружил, что понятия не имею, кто это такие на самом деле.

              Нет, конечно ещё от школьного (и дошкольного) засирания мозгов в голове осталось много внешних признаков фашизма: символика, массовые убийства, совершённые с такой жестокостью, что её нельзя назвать даже зверской, потому что звери не заслуживают этой ассоциации и т.п. Но этого было явно мало, чтобы понять, в чем же суть фашизма и, главное, распознать настоящих фашистов среди современников.Подробнее »Фашисты – это вообще кто?

              Надежды, ожидания и заблуждения обучения ораторскому искусству

                Выступать на публике нелегко.

                В чем причина?

                Считается, что самой важной причиной плохих выступлений оратора является страх публичных выступлений.

                Людям кажется, что преодолев такой страх, они сразу станут хорошими ораторами. Им кажется, что для хорошего выступления достаточно преодолеть этот страх. И избавиться от волнения.

                — Я хочу выступать без волнения!
                — Если я не буду волноваться – я выступлю хорошо!
                — Оратор должен быть уверенным в себе. Мне нужно стать уверенным в себе и я стану лучшим оратором!

                И на тренинг люди идут с мечтой получить уверенность в себе. Побороть страх выступлений. Не волноваться перед публикой.

                Каким образом?

                Ошибки ораторов. Оратор со скрещенными руками

                Этого будущие ученики не знают. Им кажется, что есть некий «секрет». Или есть «особые техники риторики». Существуют «настройки оратора по технологии НЛП». А кто-то считает, что нужно «просто разобраться в себе под чутким руководством «Мастера».

                Подробнее »Надежды, ожидания и заблуждения обучения ораторскому искусству

                Курсы общения Днепр

                  Здравствуйте! Меня зовут Болсунов Олег — я тренер и автор сайта (подробно здесь). Я расскажу вам о наших курсах общения в Днепре. Сейчас общение в сети часто заменяет живое общение. Для многих людей живое общение с собеседником становится редкостью. И не удивительно, что многие люди не умеют общаться. Для развития навыка общения мы… Подробнее »Курсы общения Днепр

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                  I m here to water this blood lotus root. Guo Kaifeng felt itchy for a moment and said, It s better to come early than to come at a good time.Discoloration. Zeng Shuisheng was so frightened that his face turned pale and he asked, What should you do, senior fellow apprentices After all, Li Shengbo was well informed, and as the backbone of the entire team, he could not be messed up, so he said, Don t be afraid, everyone.

                  Let alone his second brother, even if he encountered him, it was unclear whether he could escape unscathed.Before it is perfected, she must cut off her love ties and cannot have any emotional entanglements with other people.

                  The Yuling Sect did not dare to fall out, let alone the people of the Yin Yang Sect.Although the remaining few were all second and third level wind wolves, almost all of them were injured.

                  there are ways to investigate this matter clearly, and that s when the real trouble will be brought to my Liang family.Qingyang said, Because I was lucky, I led your third brother to the top of the wild monkey slope alone, and happened to bump into the group of monster monkeys.

                  Being awakened by the other party s words, Lu Dingshan quickly raised his hands towards the other party and said.This distance could be covered by walking with eyes closed.

                  If his previous cultivation could only be regarded as an introduction to the seventh level of Qi refining, at this time it was at least equivalent to the completion of the seventh level of Does OCD Affect Sleep? | Anxiety Disorder | Mental Health Awareness | OCD Treatment | Anxiety Relief [mGwnZuORtWE] Qi refining, and he was only a short distance away from the eighth level of Qi refining.There s no need to look for the boss, they are my helpers.

                  He has used many methods in the past six months, but he still can t break through.You are you fellow Taoist Qingyang Qingyang said, Yes, I didn t expect to meet you two here.

                  Lu Dingshan said. It is certain that the boy s face is not short of spiritual stones.Seeing that the quarrel was getting worse and the rescue was in danger of being ruined, Tao Zhengyou had no choice but to use the blood spirit bead as a killer weapon, forcing Tao Yougong to give in and destroy the opponent s army at the same time.

                  The only way is to fight hard. Qingyang stood close to the mountain wall on top of the dagger, with the green bamboo sword and golden shadow sword protecting his whole body, looking at the red feathered eagle opposite.The one eyed dragon at the sixth level of Qi Refining is certainly very powerful, but as Yi Er said, there is no need to be afraid of those minions.

                  Even other monks could feel the heat on the tongs even from dozens of feet away.This time, the head of the Farming Institute, Uncle Qingyi, personally met with him.

                  If some people cross it, they will rush away quickly.It was really a false alarm. Fortunately, we are all from the same family, whether it is yourself or Qingyang, they are both classmates and friends, and the wealth does not flow to outsiders.

                  Thereby losing the water repellent effect. Qingyang had taken a pill to restore Qi before, but the effect was mediocre, and the amount restored was not enough to replenish the amount consumed.Qingyang had not come into contact with spiritual weapons before.

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                  The person who framed him would not be let go, but for Liang Zhongtian s face, there was no need to involve other members of the Liang family.The soul seducer Sang Fan is worthy of being an old Jianghu.

                  But no matter what, this matter has nothing to do with Liang Zhongtian.If it were other foundation building monks, it would take several years to accumulate so many spiritual stones without eating or drinking.

                  Before he could stand still, a Jingshan Rat rushed over and bit him on the thigh, almost breaking the entire thigh.Although the storage bag was good, he didn t need Ripple effects of popular weight loss drug's sales [qypABCFWwNi] it.

                  If there are only three Qi refining level spirit insects, the one eyed dragon Leng Lengyu is not worried, because the combat power of the spirit insects is lower than that of the monster beasts of the same level.What Master Lingxu was waiting for was not Qingyang s retreat or begging for mercy, but a raging fighting spirit, which could be judged from Qingyang s face.

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                  As for what will happen in the future, Then it just depends on their own destiny.It is very likely that other monsters will seize the opportunity and kill them.

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                  Lady Lucia, you don t want to go into battle personally, do you This is really too dangerous, and I m afraid it won t help if you alone.Lin En was already familiar with this. In the past, he had used a bit of his soul power as an avatar, but this time it was to dismember the entire spirit body.

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                  No wonder he is not at the training place. It s really not interesting and he didn t say goodbye to us Han Dong, who was about to turn around and leave, suddenly realized something after listening to the discussion of several people.Boom boom boom boom Ye Fei was able to fight against many enemies with one force, but he did not lose at all.

                  He looked at Ye Fei and cupped 25 Best Exercises For Burning Fat [0WUCcF2f05K] his hands slightly, smiling lightly.Thank you, Brother Cold War. Ye Fei sincerely thanked him.

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                  Wealth is found in danger. You also said that I need to advance and improve my strength, right Fortunately, I succeeded.The flame palm has different movement routes and different meridians.

                  Her originally flushed face suddenly turned extremely pale, and a powerful breath hit her internal organs.Slaughter you like a dog Chilong was proud. The black spear behind him was not stored in the ring.

                  The old man said solemnly. Is it so powerful Is it higher than our Sect Treasure There was a fiery look in the eyes of the heroic man.She snorted coldly at this moment. Our place is called the Cave Heaven Paradise.

                  Master, I It was expected that the master in front of him would explain like this, but Ye Fei couldn t come up with any reason to refute.However, this world is very mysterious. There are many unknown and terrifying existences.

                  It was Li De who was defeated by Ye Fei at the grand event who was holding an imitation Yin Yang Knife and reached the Huazang realm.The most important thing is to step into the starry sky.

                  Tang Wuzang thought for a moment and said. Thank you, elder, for telling me, otherwise, this disciple would be tricked by Wei Dingguo Who is Revolt CBD? [N7ACwytoUNe] again.Where there are rivers and lakes, there are grievances and grievances, and where there are people, there are troubles.

                  Okay, let s go. Qing Ming said, and then with a wave of his hand, a few pieces of spirit stone were in the hands of those responsible for guarding the teleportation array.You are not good at solving cases, so leave it to the Dragon Team.

                  What a stubborn girl. Wang Shijin sneered. Now he didn t dare to kill Tian Qing er easily, because he knew that even if he killed Tian Qing er, he wouldn t be able to escape, and he would definitely face Ye Fei s crazy pursuit.Ye Fei can definitely kill them by surprise. Even if he is at a low level in the Shenzang realm, he will suffer a big loss.

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                  A strong man in the late stage of Heaven Realm has been preparing for a long time and is angry.If I know, I break his limbs and dare to snatch a woman from me, huh Jiang Yulang s spiritual consciousness transmitted the sound, he was a chatterbox, and he finally snorted angrily.

                  Even the boss of the Thirteen Riders of Mangshan, he can still kill him without fail.As for the edge, this is the tool they will use to travel through time and space when they set foot in the starry sky.

                  It can be said that that time, the sky was broken, and all living beings were devastated.Therefore, Ye Fei could not stand idly by. Brush A sharp sword light flashed through, like splitting the sky, more than ten feet long, Delta-9 THC Gummy - What happened when I took one [O6jMgFQoX8Y] and struck at Shangguanxian who was running ahead.

                  Soon, the glow disappeared. The elder who protects the elixir has taken action.Ye Fei said solemnly, the alchemy union is powerful and the internal forces are complicated.

                  This man is transformed into a python. When he saw Xinglan rushing towards Tissot, he shouted coldly, a snake tail Flashing through the air, it struck Xinglan like lightning, and a powerful explosion of air could be heard in the air.Other demons also fled one after another and fled back underground, leaving a large number of corpses underground.

                  Leave Xinglan alone Called together, Ye Fei and Xing Lan said their final goodbyes, reluctant to leave.After Ye Fei entered Chaotian Palace and watched Xinglan Penis enlargement device [oiYpH83oP7e] enter an inn, Ye Fei turned around and headed towards a restaurant.

                  She hugged her knees with her hands and curled up in a ball, shivering.Mo Xingyu, do you really want to go against my ancient human race The ancient human race in front of him was furious.

                  Once the opponent is locked, he will be suppressed until death.Han Dong activated his spiritual power and controlled this green flying carpet.

                  This is a mountain forest. At the order of the beautiful master, we got off the plane here, and the helicopter Wu Juan also moved away.At the door, a three headed spiritual snake appeared, with a ferocious face, teeth and claws, and shouted in a deep voice.

                  What are you thinking He s not dead, be careful. How is Diabetes linked with Sleep Disorders? | Dr. Pradeep Gadge [At62GsxiRdS] The man surnamed Zuo shouted.He is really lucky Not only Wei Guangde, but also the fifth prince of the VOLTOU! DELTA 10 ATUALIZOU - MELHOR EXECUTOR MOBILE 2023! (CELULAR FRACO) [SjoImb42xB6] Dali Dynasty and Leng Yu, Thames - Alta Delta - 10/28/2017 [UiMqci1X6uR] the scholar in white with a folding fan in his hand, all had strong jealousy in their eyes.

                  Use your spiritual power. I know you still have spiritual power.Not to mention using 8 Natural Cures for Erectile Dysfunction [5Wt8sczx4O3] it as a weapon, it was a bit strenuous just to hold it.

                  Someone in the Wa Palace is urging it to move someone exclaimed.In fact, the water behind it is too deep, with dark waves surging and a mixture of fish and dragons.

                  Later I found out about Qijuemai, so I want to know what happened.I want to go into this river of blood and take a look.

                  He s looking for death the woman in white snorted. boom The green brilliance on the Tissot shone brightly, and the big hand was suddenly shattered, dripping with blood, and the bloody bones were leaking out.You can order it as you like, but don t waste No More Regrets [Ni7YVokthfF] it. Although Bai Yan has never been here before, she should have heard her father mention it, so although she is a little unfamiliar, she still knows how to order it.

                  The human king Kong Xuan, even in the face of Emperor Wa, was neither humble nor arrogant.Of course, the value is far less than the value of the Broken Hidden Pill.

                  Act according to the opportunity. I must remain silent.You cannot be disturbed when refining elixirs. However, it is because you are refining extremely high level elixirs or the alchemist himself is not very sure about the elixirs you are refining.

                  Ye Fei blushed and defended himself. You are a brat, and you have been a pervert since you were a child.On the bed, Murong Xue was wearing pajamas and seemed to be frightened.

                  At first, he came from the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range.Immediately afterwards, a billowing white mist appeared above Ye Fei s head, and his whole body was submerged in it, like a fairyland.

                  In the past, he felt that his mental power and physical body seemed to be stuck together, stagnant and inconvenient.Boy, take care of yourself. When the matter is over, Cheat Meals to Lose Fat and Gain Muscle [tGVst0dA0UX] go to my place Lizzo's DESTROYING The Fat Acceptance Community [3u51ZggaCIq] to report.

                  Ye Fei knew that it must be Mo Xingyu fighting with the Underground Demon King there, but he didn t know what the outcome would be.The combat power of Long Xiang Qi Jin increases by about ten times every How To Get An Erection Quickly - Get Hard And Quick Erection Instantly [uTOeqLDgSMT] time he rises to a higher level.

                  Boy, how much are these low level things worth You have been hunting for ten years and you can t even exchange for a slightly higher elixir.Boy, don t be afraid. I am Lao Wang. Now I can transform into reality in front of you. Now I will show you how to refine the elixir.

                  Several black iron chains shot out from his body and directly wrapped around the black gold steel.The retired Tianlong Army is also a Tianlong Army. I want to see who dares to attack the Tianlong Army An old voice came from outside.

                  Fei launched a decisive blow. However, what made him dumbfounded was that Ye Fei in front of him was looking at him meaningfully.Hey, this, fellow Taoist, if you want to know again, you need to pay the spirit stone.

                  Although she was halfway to the peak of Guiyuan, during her charming encounter with Ye Fei just now, the three yins in her body were activated by Ye Fei.Why don t they wait for them to come and kill them If they fail to kill, they will be killed.

                  In addition, if the news he heard is true, Shangguan Lingyun was helping him kill those powerful Shenzang men from the Yin Yang Sect.Seeing this, these sect forces did not want to cause trouble with the college anymore, but secretly they were sending people to look for Ye Fei, hoping to kill him.