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Рекомендую посмотреть видео. Это выступление получилось экспромтом. Роман, обучаясь техникам ораторского мастерства, рассказывал о книге Френка Беттджера. Но это выступление получилось настолько хорошим и полезным, что я взял разрешение у Романа не удалять видео. Критиковать такое видео нет смысла, потому что никто специально его не готовил. Так получилось. И получилось хорошо. Видео.… Подробнее »Пару слов об энергичности и энтузиазме
По результатам исследования и анализа оргкомитета Компании «Знак Качества» Школа ораторского мастерства Болсунова Олега Игоревича стала Победителем Конкурса «Самые качественные услуги и товары 2021» в категории ораторское мастерство!
Болсунов Олег и Сулай Виктория с кубком и дипломом «Знак качества»
Она пришла с мороза, Раскрасневшаяся, Наполнила комнату Ароматом воздуха и духов, Звонким голосом И совсем неуважительной к занятиям Болтовней. Она немедленно уронила на пол Толстый том художественного журнала, И сейчас же стало казаться, Что в моей большой комнате Очень мало места. Всё это было немножко досадно И довольно нелепо. Впрочем,… Подробнее »«Она пришла с мороза…» Александр Блок
Сколько времени нужно для подготовки речи? Аналогию с ораторским искусством можно провести с уборкой урожая пшеницы. Можно сделать и другие аналогии. Убирают пшеницу летом. Но когда сеют? Ранней весной. А озимую пшеницу сеют еще раньше — осенью. Еще задолго до сбора урожая готовят землю для семян, пашут, боронят. Готовят отборное… Подробнее »Сколько времени нужно оратору для подготовки речи?
Страх выступления — нормальная реакция нашего мозга. Это честный ответ — выступать я не умею, а, значит — боюсь.
Не нужно ничего с этим делать. Нужно научиться выступать.
Приведу пример. Когда я учился водить машину, я удивился, что мне было страшно. И я спросил у очень опытного инструктора по вождению, а бояться ли другие люди водить автомобиль?
Примите мои слова благодарности и признательности за ВАШ труд. Создавая свою программу по доп.образованию для школьников, наткнулась на ВАШ сайт. Это просто клад!!! Все доступно, интересно, увлекательно, подкреплено примерами из жизни и видео…
Полагаю, Вы знаете, что сегодня в школе учащиеся 9 классов обязаны сдавать некий устный экзамен по русскому языку как допуск к основным гос.экзаменам. Многие учителя “взвыли”, а я обрадовалась : наконец наше мин-во образования углядело данную проблему, которая Вами сформулирована очень точно и лаконично – “Недостаток РАЗГОВОРНОГО словарного запаса”. Я, учитель английского языка, “прожужжала все уши” своих коллег, что крайне сложно обучать детей иностранному языку, если они с трудом выражают свои мысли на родном языке. Вот и взялась сама за данное дело.
Многие подсказки беру из Ваших статей, работая над развитием своих умений ораторского мастерства. Одно из них – писать комментарии под постами, очень помогает. Дай Бог Вам добра и процветания!
В других людях нам нравится не все и не всегда. Мы с этим либо соглашаемся, либо начинаем бороться. Можно говорить о борьбе за прошлое, за настоящее и будущее. Бороться за прошлое – глупо «Ты неряха, потому что разбил чашку!», — упрекаем мы кого-то. Так мы пытаемся изменить прошлое, которого уже… Подробнее »За что мы боремся в личных отношениях?
Рекомендую всем, кто не смотрел, чудесный фильм «Доброе утро, Вьетнам!» С точки зрения ораторского искусства — наш фильм! 🙂 Робин Уильямс — в главной роли. И справился он с ней самым лучшим образом. Прошу не путать с певцом Роби Уильямсом 🙂 Это не о Вьетнамской войне (хотя, косвенно, она там… Подробнее »«Доброе утро, Вьетнам!» с Робином Уильямсом
With the current stalemate between the two sides, it is impossible for the devil to have such an opportunity again.Because Chen Guogong had long wanted to break off the engagement with him.
After thanking him, he led the Seventh Army to retreat, and Zhao Hao also brought the convoy with him.If you don t chop down, who will you chop down. Powerful forces such as elves, tree spirits, Dru Yin
are all pioneers in protecting the environment. If someone sets fire to the mountain, they will directly send the person to be reincarnated without hesitation.
After all, the prerequisite for building this building is a large port, and large ports are generally owned by the main city.This kind of long sea merchant ship is not at the same level as ordinary transport ships.
Now it seems that promotion will definitely be faster than in the original history.After the dragon scale defense has been increased sixty times, although I still dare not boast about physical immunity , it is almost there.
Large and huge transport ships and warships gathered together, standing like giant beasts on the sea.Feida As a first generation dragonborn with unlimited potential, even if he has not yet taken up the job because he has not obtained the things, he already has considerable fighting power due to his strong basic attributes.
Are you sure Zhao Hao stared at the other party with full momentum.Combat power jumps Under the premise that Freya does not open the domain and restores the dragon s body, Feida has become the strongest fighting force under Zhao Hao.
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Zhao Hao with dependence, and then screamed softly.The Phantom Marksman, an eighth level elite unit, can catch up with the champion level in terms of kills, and there is still huge room for improvement.
Fortunately, the speed advantage of flying was too great, and the Storm was quickly found flying at full speed.That means the quantity is large Otherwise, no one might be willing to sell to the other party.
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Zhizhi A large number of insect shaped sea monsters the size of hounds appeared around Freya.Although the power is not as good as the fireball technique, they are large in number and can be activated quickly, so the threat is not small.
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the Underground Demon.It s not easy for those people to deal with him. Don t worry, I will send people to find out about him at all times.
Jiang Yulang explained. What, is Brother Ye looking for someone Liu Qingyang asked curiously.Soon, Ye Fei felt several murderous intentions coming towards him, coming from two directions, one was the Jade Girl Sect and the other was the Yin Yang Sect.
The three of them followed the instructions and headed towards the canteen where the disciples were.Seeing the man in Tsing Yi coming over, the old man s displeasure flashed across his eyes, and then he smiled and said, not wanting to miss the meeting with Ye Fei.
Bang The alchemy furnace almost exploded, and the elixirs inside were flying everywhere.The inferior spiritual weapon Flying Sword How dare you underestimate me Are you humiliating me Seeing Ye Fei take out the inferior spiritual weapon Flying Sword, he couldn t help but said angrily.
Ye Fei said coldly, then walked over, picked up Wang Teng, walked back and entered the room.Okay, I, the elder, will go down in person, and you guys will stay back.
Not only Ye Fei, Xinglan, Senior Sister and others, but also some factions of the Wuying League are concerned about this matter.You can handle the rest. I believe in your vision. In recent years, you have attracted many famous alchemists to Wandan City, right Wandan City Lord Doomsday snorted disdainfully, but finally said this.
The powerful pressure made Ye Fei crawl to the ground.I only figured out this issue later. I didn t expect you to think of it all at once.
Ye Fei finally understood what human nature is and what it means to be greedy for life and afraid of death.Jiang Yulang I don t care how strong the power of the Jiang family is behind you.
He called again, but the phone showed that it was turned off.Girl, stop talking. Brother Ye is also hesitating. Let s all calm down. I don t want you to regret it in the future.
Soon, news about Chaotian Que came, making his expression become extremely embarrassed.Very understanding. Of course, Ye Fei also wants to buy a defensive spiritual weapon.
There are not three months left. No one is allowed to do so.If we really drive Mo Xingyu out, how will the outside forces view our college Also, there must be a hidden agenda in this.
It s just a maid. I think let it go. Right. Elder Li Tianhuang knew that he had offended Moya before, so at this moment, he took the initiative to help Moya clarify the relationship.Two hundred million Ye Fei spoke, seemingly hesitating, but Junshan of the Yin Yang Sect became nervous, with murderous intent shooting out of his eyes.
After searching, he also found the Jiang family. To be honest, if it weren t for himself, the Jiang family would not have suffered any losses, so Ye Fei directly changed the topic and asked about Qinglong Marrow.The other person must be worried about something if he didn t show up for a long time.
I encountered a little trouble. If I encounter it again, just kill it.When she grows up, she will definitely be a master who brings disaster to the country and the people
Looking at Wang Teng running over, Wang Shicang patted her little head lovingly, and then took out a white jade bottle with a blue white pill in it.
I m Jiang Yulang in Jiangzhou, hey, you two have hit it off with me, why don t you have a drink and talk.Yu Lin, who was in the Qiankun Scroll in Ye Fei s arms, couldn t help but feel a little dissatisfied.
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meridians in his body the first time he ran the Nine Heavens Thunder Strike Technique.Anyone who dares to cheat in the scientific examinations is a capital offense.
Senluo Sect now has a serious shortage of foundation building monks.Senior brother, are you here Li Yuanba was comprehending the meaning of the sword when a voice came from outside the door.
No matter how good the young master s cultivation was, the young master never gave up his studies.Don t look at the second grade golden lotus in front of you.
These energy lines all originate from the formation disks on the ground.This is of extremely important significance to IBMz15 and Li Shiming.
He did not mobilize the spiritual energy in his chest, because there was too little spiritual energy for him to dare to act rashly.The power of these thunder and lightning is probably the level of the late stage of Qi refining.
Li Shiming knew very well in his heart that his body could not take any blow from Yun Xingyi, because the consequence would be death.If a demon cultivator who was too powerful would kill people and silence them after they accomplished their mission, they might even make wedding dresses for others.
Of course, Li Shiming had no trouble growing spiritual rice in the computer room space.These thirty six formation flags were made recently.
Sword Cultivator The tall monk s eyes flashed. He waved his hand, and a copper bell appeared in front of him, blocking the attack of the Golden Light Sword.When encountering something that threatens oneself, this high degree of vigilance will turn into killing, especially if one has the ability to kill.
It will be difficult for the Yun family s monks to think about how many additional resources they will have in the future.This was a slap in his face. Although he successfully killed the opponent, his friends in the sect found out about it afterwards, and they didn t know how to laugh at him.
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major skills and does not need to practice the magic skills.I didn t expect you to know this place. We are going to Seven Star Island Uncle Zhuge glanced at Li Shiming curiously and then replied.
Of course, this limit refers to his current state. If he continues to increase his speed, the restrictions on him will be broken and the strength of his golden elixir will be leaked.A five meter radius suddenly disappeared, and the unlucky rockery was blown into rubble.
I can contact you for anything you want to buy Qiutan took back the fifty spirit stones, threw out a jade slip again, and then took out the identity jade disc and said.He would be unlucky if he was assigned to guard Lingji Pavilion here.
If Li Shiming himself wants to practice the Secret Code of Sword Demon , he will also need a third grade metallic material as the sword base.He thought about Mr. Wang s bodyguard again and looked for a place to throw it away.
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Yun s Trading Company.
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elixir cannot be removed in an instant.Other Jindan elders behaved the same way as him. The legendary Yuanying Dharma, a great supernatural power in the Yuanying stage, possesses the power to destroy the heaven and the earth.
As long as there are enough benefits at this time, many clan monks will abandon the clan for their own development.The magic weapon and storage bag of the Holy Ice Sect monk were removed by a Northern Shu Qi Refining monk, and he proudly held it in his hand and raised it in a provocative manner.
This is identity verification. If it is not a monk from the Senluo Sect, the formation will launch an attack.He himself used both feet to increase the distance between him and the tall monk.
The target of the mission was the remnants of the Houtu Sect.He sat on top of the Soul Gathering Plate and started the Five Elements Qi Receiving Technique.
After saying that, he turned around and left. Mr. Wang looked at his retreating figure with admiration flashing in his eyes.At this time, he also understood what the storage bag was about.
The current improvement of corpse refining mainly relies on the Netherworld Ghost Realm Formation.It was the chief steward next to the emperor who came to do it in person.
Feeling that the concentration of spiritual power in the basement reached a certain level, Li Shiming sat on top of the spirit gathering plate.Seeing that the Breaking Formation Talisman was useless, the Qi Refining monks from Northern Shu all changed their expressions.
It is just that one more person can obtain temporary formation authority after receiving maintenance tasks and can enter the corresponding formation.After returning to the sect, he inquired about the situation of the relics.
This was not a kind of emotional catharsis for the original body Li Shiming.Most of the time, it is better to sell directly to the stall owners here.
When he came out of the last house, he breathed a sigh of relief.He needs to make good use of these twenty five days to maximize the effectiveness of the Soul Gathering Plate.
In these secular days, Fan Yiyang has already eaten up all the spiritual food in the storage bag, and now he has been using Bigu Pill to maintain it.Unlike Fan Yiyang, Fan Yiyang was just a chance encounter on the road.
The people who cultivate immortality are like living in this world without leaving any trace.With a slight exertion, the blade of the knife drove the white cloth, but the cut was not successful.
This time he got the inheritance of the magic circle, and the Nine Peaks were very different from before.The six fingered sound demon did not use his spiritual thoughts.
As if feeling the existence of Vajra Power, faint fluctuations came from the relics, and the light golden Buddhist mark wrapped around Vajra Power flowed into the skin of his palm.You also need to regulate the spiritual power in your body.
Under the action of an indescribable driving force, the third grade sword based cannonball traveled through the barrel wrapped in an accelerator, and its speed reached an unimaginable extreme in an instant.The poor monk listened to two parts of the Buddha s message, but it seems that he did not understand the meaning.
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on the paper in beautiful handwriting.These ten pieces of equipment are chip material wafer production equipment.
At present, he can t talk about self developed elixirs.Who is the young monk who was headed by Yizhen just now Li Shiming asked with a frown.
She calculated Li Shiming s flying speed using the crow s wings.The Buddha amulet is made of wood, but it is not an ordinary wood, but a second grade spiritual wood.
Li Shiming couldn t help but think of Uncle Song. The malice shown by Uncle Song inadvertently gave him a clear judgment that the identity of the jade plate was banned.He also took the five storage bags and hung them all around his waist after checking them casually.
Now that he is at the eighth level of Qi Refining, he used the Vajra Body Protection Divine Art promoted by the True Incarnation to resist in a short period of time.This is a warning program he CBD Chat 😎🔥 Full Spectrum VS Isolate. Is there a difference ❓ YES‼️😎 [uBZSd9avBwV]
made for himself. The large server IBMz15 can proactively remind him if there is an abnormal situation outside while sleeping or practicing.
Master Ma on the side raised his head and glanced at him.This is a cave, and the spiritual vein is in the center of the cave hall, where a monk in the early stages of foundation building is sitting cross legged.
However, due to his realm, his sword escape speed can only be relatively fast at the same level.He killed ten foundation building monks, including a late stage foundation building monk.