Об ошибках ораторов я уже написал немало. Теперь полезно написать то, что ошибками не является.
Волнение может мешать оратору, а может и помогать.
Но волнение отнюдь не ошибка.
Волнение – это нормальное состояние человека. Волноваться можно. Это ваше право.
А кто не волнуется?
Конечно же, многим людям хочется выступать без волнения. И это желание понятно. Но это – физиология человека. Без нее никак.
А еще людям хочется не лениться. И быть умными. И иметь красивое тело. Всё это возможно. Но… Для этого нужно приложить немало времени, сил, терпения, труда, чтобы достичь всего, что пожелаете.
Развивайте себя столько, сколько считаете нужным. Но… Не считайте волнение ошибкой.
Если вы волнуетесь – значит вы живой человек. С душой. С переживаниями. Вам не безразлично то, что вы говорите. Вам не безразлично мнение других людей по поводу ваших слов.
Волнуются все. Даже великие артисты и актеры.
Посмотрите видео.
К волнению необходимо поменять отношение. Чтобы оно не мешало вам, а помогало.
Именно волнение помогает оратору выступить блестяще. Мозг работает куда быстрее, приходят в голову гениальные мысли – только и успевай рассказывать.
Без волнения выступаю те, у кого уже есть большой опыт.
Откуда взяться волнению? Из-за чего волноваться?
А пока вы достаточного опыта не имеете, пока каждое выступление оценивается подсознанием, как нечто жизненно важное, будет волнение.
Тема волнения – очень большая, понадобится много времени всё объяснить, а у нас совсем другая книга.
Не нужно бояться неуверенности. Это тоже не является ошибкой оратора
Неуверенность — тоже не является ошибкой оратора.
Уверенность оратору полезна. Но это не обязательно! Это как вам по желанию.
Хотите — выступайте уверенно. Хотите – нет. Это ваше право. Но не обязанность!
Уверенность оратора приходит с опытом.
Неуверенные ораторы тоже могут хорошо выступать. Неуверенность не является ошибкой. Можно это назвать скорее «минусом», нежели плюсом. Начинающий оратор должен компенсировать этот «минус» другими «плюсами».
Например, более тщательной подготовкой.
Да, я согласен, неуверенному оратору выступать сложнее. Поэтому рекомендую больше, тщательнее готовиться к своему выступлению. Важно быть честным, искренним с публикой.
Как развивать уверенность в себе – отдельная тема. И мы её обязательно коснёмся в других главах.
Полезно подражать или копировать.
Полезно делать свое. Полезно придумывать свои речи и с ними – выступать.
Изучать чужие речи – тоже нужно.
Если вам есть что сказать – вперед, репетируйте свою речь. Но… Если в голову ничего не приходит – берите готовые чужие речи.
И я буду предлагать вам новые и новые истории для выступлений.
Но можете найти готовые речи на Ютюбе.
И не стыдитесь повторить чужие мысли. Не бойтесь копировать других ораторов.
На начальном этапе развития – просто копируйте.
Возьмем, к примеру, «Битлз».
Сколько создано песен группой «Битлз»? И, кажется, что они сочиняли и пели только свое. Так? Нет! Начинали они с, так называемых, «кавер-версий». Спели сотни чужих песен, тысячи раз. И лишь потом начали писать свои.
«Первые шаги группы «Битлз» в поп-музыке были связаны с копированием композиций и стиля заокеанских кумиров, но в это время в репертуаре начинают появляться свои песни». (с) Википедия.
Леннону и Маккартни петь чужое было не зазорно. Большинство рок-музыкантов в начале своего музыкального пути проходит стадию кавер-исполнителей, набираясь опыта.
Среди известнейших кавер-исполнителей: Джо Кокер, «Rolling Stones», «U2», «Apocalyptica» …(с) Википедия.
«Машина Времени» тоже начинала с «каверов».
Можно привести и другие примеры. Известный сценарист Чарльз Спано пишет:
«Брать пример с других не стыдно. Сценариев для фильмов, которые могли бы стать образцами для начинающих, сколько угодно.»
В ораторском искусстве.
«Демосфен, мечтая о славе оратора, взял себе за образец Перикла и прилежно изучал Фукидида, переписав его восемь раз собственноручно.»
Достаточно примеров? Набираясь опыта, полезно изучать, копировать, использовать чужие речи. И не только слова, но и жесты, мимику, голос.
В этом и есть секрет быстрого обучения некоторых ораторов.
И не переживайте — это не принесет вреда. Позже появится и свой стиль, свои слова, свои мысли. Так что не считайте ошибкой пересказ чужих идей и мыслей. Только обязательно упомяните авторство.
Упражнение для проработки
Предлагаю посмотреть чудесный ролик в исполнении Валерия Жидкова «О спорте».
А потом, где-то в компании, попробуйте эту тему затронуть… И рассказать, в манере Жидкова и его словами, что вы думаете о некоторых видах спорта…
Ваша задача не столько рассказать текст, сколько проработать его, копируя:
Паузы. А паузы у Валерия Жидкова — хорошие. Спокойные. Длинные.
Манеру голоса. То громче, то тише, то быстрее, то медленнее.
Эмоции. И шутки.
Прорепетируйте! Ведь в этом и состоит — обучение ораторскому искусству.
И — расскажите кому-то.
Но! Не спешите сразу кому-то рассказывать. Важнее всего — многократные репетиции.
Полезно повторять
Не стоит бояться выступать с одним и тем же текстом много раз.
Музыканты учатся на одном произведении, играя одно и то же множество раз.
Танцоры танцуют один и тот же танец много раз.
Актеры, пока ставят спектакль, произносят одни и те же реплики в течении двух-шести месяцев.
Полезно одну и ту же историю рассказывать много раз себе, потом всем друзьям, родственника, коллегам, знакомым.
Уважаемый читатель!
Вы уже довольно много прочитали. Пора — отвлечься от чтения. Пора — репетировать.
Даже не столько важно выступать — сколько репетировать.
Ведь любой музыкант (танцор, певец, актёр и …) развивается благодаря репетициям. Выступления — тоже полезны. Но куда важнее — репетиции.
Во время репетиций можно экспериментировать: ошибаться, делать нелепые варианты… Это невозможно делать при выступлениях.
Больше всего тренируйтесь перед воображаемой аудиторией.
Воображаемыми друзьями.
А потом, с готовыми историями — тренируйтесь на всех тех людях, которые будут встречаться вам в течении дня.
Так делал я.
И стал оратором. Потом — тренером.
Мне и сейчас доставляет большое удовольствие — репетировать.
Когда я еду на выступления (или занятия) на машине — всегда готовлю, проговариваю вслух речь. Не в голове — вслух.
Точно так же, мне приносило большое удовольствие репетировать на гитаре.
Я играл в любое свободное время, репетировал, одно и то же — вот, поэтому, быстро овладел гитарой.
Полюбите этот процесс, тренировки (репетиции) — станете оратором быстрее, чем другие.
When the time comes, no one will want them to give up this benefit.Even if the power has not been regained, he or he is still extremely powerful at this time.
The Seventh Legion After saving the other person once, there is no way that the other party will not give you this face.And this operation should end in a hurry after the pirates rush to the street.
But Zhao Hao and several of his subordinates did not leave because they still had something to do.How is that possible Simon looked at the sky in front of him with surprise, at the falling corpses of the Royal Griffins.
Although the value of high quality venom is not low, he is not interested.Anros in the Pale Territory will also upgrade large ports to further improve port efficiency.
Most of the day The war king is back. Originally, he wanted to fight to the end, but fortunately Freya and Ellie rescued each other in time.Large and huge transport ships and warships gathered together, standing like giant beasts on the sea.
Clearing out the forest of poisonous flies and harvesting a treasure, a pool of jade scale wine, is a real profit.At the same time, the heart is also covered by the opponent s lowered head, so you can only choose to shoot elsewhere.
The casual players are all fun lovers and trouble makers, and they all have a rhythm that no one likes once they put on their helmets.It is not surprising that they have little thoughts.
As long as it can bring food, she doesn t mind being from that camp s caravan at all.When the old Marquis was alive, Chen Guogong gave him face, but when the old Marquis died, Chen Guogong turned against him and was ruthless, and even staged a scene in the mourning hall to break off the engagement.
The dragon blood altar can be strengthened very quickly.Otherwise, if the enemy attacks from the air, Stormport will not have very good defense capabilities.
Even if you don t have money to upgrade your attributes, your strength will be the same, and you may not be as good as a warrior of the same level.Without a large number of trump cards, even if Musou can escape the first encounter, he will definitely die.
From a distance, Zhao Hao saw a towering lighthouse.If it were the previous White Dragon, the Explosive Flying Dragon really wouldn t be able to break through this kind of interception.
There is also an additional 30 increase in all attributes, which is the most perverted thing.Tch, you, the boss, are too busy to meet me. This is your thing The Crazy Killer handed over a red crystal like object.
And what would it be like for these two guys with thin skin and tender flesh to stay with hundreds of big and thick Qiuba every day He must have done the most tiring work, eaten the worst food, suffered the most severe beatings, and suffered the most anger
Qin Hu estimated that his predecessor might have been tortured to death.
With this excitement, he quickly returned to the Storm Territory.Don t think this is slow, it s already very fast. This area is a mountainous area Even the road built by the Falcon Principality is undulating, let alone the road outside, so the speed of the demon army is indeed not slow.
But the war machinery carried by the hero can receive various blessings, and its power is completely unmatched by ordinary bed crossbows.Not only to rebuild the territory, but also to clear away the surrounding dangers and open up the channel with Greenham.
But when attacking targets such as battleships, there is no need to worry about the opponent avoiding them.If the major forces really ignore martial ethics and just Exploring the Benefits of Canna Labs CBD Gummies for Overall Well-being
let the ace army block people, then even the God of Death will be useless.
Buzz The golden realm opens. Teleport directly to the sky dozens of meters away.After all, after teleportation and space movement abilities are prohibited, there is only one possibility to get there quickly.
As long as it is used up, it will cause real casualties.This Qin Hu was extremely cruel to others, but he was obedient to this beautiful and beautiful fianc e, treating him like a treasure.
Freya Facing the attack, Zhao Hao reminded his pet to discuss tactics before executing.
He should just be passing by when he came back this time.Qingyang has only seen such a bad situation in his life, but in general it is still barely bearable.
You can t even notice it if you don t pay attention.Is there any loss in writing it down What if it is used in the future Thinking of this, Qingyang didn t waste any more time and quickly wrote down all the contents on the wall about the Insulin Resistance Supplements for Weight Loss: The Ultimate Guide
Five Elements Immortal Forging Technique and the Great Five Elements Sword Formation.
The Master Heyi might have been frightened and unwilling to help.The sound came, and along with a scream, a black shadow turned over and retreated.
Now, Master Guihe is already a Nascent Soul monk, which means that he is a Nascent Soul monk.If it really comes, It s not too late for us to help when we can t hold on any longer.
Choosing a col on the hill inside the Drunken Immortal Gourd, the iron armed monkeys carved out a cave on the mountain wall, and the entire monkey group settled in the cave.Do you really know my father the ghost nun asked. Qingyang said Of course, your father helped to refine my natal magic weapon.
The ones with the lowest strength were all Jindan Perfect, while the others could only The people selected from the birthday celebration team had varying levels of cultivation, and they were completely unprepared for the Underworld Valley.Under normal circumstances, when someone falls from a height, the larger the body, the greater the force of the fall.
Instead, he said Baimei Ghost King only needs to help me make connections.However, after reaching the golden elixir realm, the monks will become more powerful, and this will gradually be broken.
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have no worries on your way to becoming an immortal.Heart betrayer, now
It s time for you to fulfill your promise. Seeing the female ghost s behavior and listening to the other party s words, Qingyang felt a cold feeling in his chest, as if his heart and liver had been eaten by the other party.
Qingyang didn t know who the group of people behind him were, how many there were in total, and why he came here, but he knew that these people were definitely not something he could provoke.At this time, he could only say Maybe he escaped into the dragon ruins while we were talking.
Even the injured people were almost recovered, and everyone continued to move forward.Forty eight years, not even fifty years, this Qingyang has gone from being a newly promoted golden elixir monk to a ninth level golden elixir monk.
No one knows where he is. All the news about the Thousand Buddhas Cave is hearsay.But this time Shi Yiyi lost most of his life and almost lost his combat effectiveness.
And Yang Chengzu was not to be outdone. With a thought, a dragon headed crutch suddenly appeared, blocking all Qingyang s escape routes.Although the life threatening rainbow light shuttle was divided into two, its power was doubled, and its speed was astonishing.
Aren t you the powerful god former you once were Aren t you able to perform at a super level I don t believe you are at the third level of Nascent Soul.Under normal circumstances, monks are not allowed to take action in private, but nothing is absolute.
Different from the anxious waiting outside, Qingyang in the alchemy room is calm and composed.He knew very well that deceiving himself at this time would definitely not yield good results, not to mention that he could not know that he had a ready made weapon.
He can even swallow low level ghost cultivators without any problem.Thinking that all his efforts would be in vain, and that even he would disappear in twenty Finding the Perfect Dose: A Deep Dive into 50 mg CBD Gummy Reddit Reviews and Experiences (KJhob)
or thirty years, the Giant Ghost King suddenly became much older, and almost said in a pleading tone Long Eyebrow Ghost King, is this really not accommodating at all Is there no room for you Looking at the giant ghost king, the master of the first hall of the Ten Kings Palace asked for help in such a low voice, many ghost kings present felt very uncomfortable.
Qingyang still observed the surroundings first to confirm that there was no danger.Because Master Shi Han and Mei Qing have not been back for a year or two.
If you want to blame it, you can only blame the coffin carrying ghost king himself.Ancestor of the Zhou family said Little friend Qingyang doesn t know.
It s for the sake of the disciples of Ghost Valley that I can persuade you.One tried his best to break free, the other tried his best to entangle the enemy until he couldn t move, one took advantage of superior strength, and the other took advantage of the location.
A larger gray insect crawled out from under the Yuanying skin.The first one was the three realms of Qi refining, foundation building, and golden elixir.
Countless disciples are old friends, and there is no guarantee that no one will harbor resentment against fellow Taoist Qingyang.The alcoholic queen bee also has a faint fear. If he releases his aura outside, those low level bees will not dare to approach him casually.
It is not that there are no other monks along the way.maybe you are the one who loses. I worked so hard to send the three of you, father and son, to meet on Huangquan Road.
He wanted to inform the rest of the Ganlu Temple that the great monk Luo Pei had obtained the inheritance of the Nectar Divine Water.Even the great monk Wang He obeyed the orders honestly.
Li Shiming had a temporary cave at the headquarters of Zhongzhou Commercial Bank.This allowed the core sword cultivators of Jianyi Chongxiao Pavilion to escape death many times in crises and successfully saved the core sword cultivators countless times.
He was just a little depressed. Geniuses like you had half a foot in the door.Arrow Talisman. He took out a junior light body charm in his hand and thought about it but was not willing to try it out.
The upper half is the sky, but the sky is too small and can only be called a sky.With a full sword strike, the defensive magic weapon let out a groan and then turned into pieces.
In addition, from another piece of information, we got the news that the great monks of Sword Intention Chongxiao Pavilion have high level spiritual elixirs in their hands.If you want to get life saving means from Jian Lao again, you must make great achievements.
If Da Neng had used Water Escape in person, Li Shiming s Chaos Sword Intent would not have been able to break through it.Be careful not to hurt your head Li Yuanba reminded quickly.
On the contrary, the alchemy furnace that has been used for a long time has incorporated a large amount of elixir spirituality, which can reduce the occurrence of accidents during the alchemy process.The fourth grade spiritual tea leaves that he had refined by himself were put into it, and then the top quality spiritual spring water was put into it.
The space isolation barrier is a good method. I ve already used this method.Although the pressure from the great monks at positions further away from him was smaller, it was still enough to suppress the combat power of the mid Nascent Soul monks.
Li Yuanba There is a chance of breaking through the Mahayana period.I can guarantee it with my life The former formation master said with some obsession as his consciousness traveled between the formation bases.
But an accident still happened. Just when the body of the monk Lu turned into flowing water, the blade of the fourth grade sword base also swept across the flowing water.Get to the side of the road and move on Li Shiming had already observed the convoy through the car window, and he ordered in a deep voice.
Great monk Luo Pei dug a cave on the seabed rock thousands of miles away from Jianyi Chongxiao Pavilion, and used formations to form a space that repels seawater, and added a concealment formation to the cave.He couldn t mistake the Biolyfe CBD Gummies Reviews for ED: A Comprehensive Review for Men in 2025
feeling at that time, that finger could easily kill him.
Perhaps it was not all fighting. process. Yuanba, you shouldn t take risks Brother Lou said in a deep voice after returning to the tent of the second base, Jianyi Chongxiao Pavilion.Fortunately, after stepping on the last step, Li Yuanba learned from Qi Ling that this step had returned to normal gravity.
If it is really the inner demon, the danger of the Heavenly Ghost is extremely low.It seemed that the instant kill on his side made the mid Nascent Soul Lei Xiu at the Xuanxi Mountain Resource Point fearful and asked another mid Nascent Soul Lei Xiu to come over and check.
If this kind of injury were placed on a monk, it would be considered a moderate to serious injury, but if it was placed on a mid stage golden corpse, it could only be considered an ordinary injury.Li Shiming s action was justified and in line with the rules of the world of immortality.
In a normal environment, no matter how complex the formation is, as long as the formation master has studied it, it can be quickly deployed.Unfortunately, such days did not last long. One day a month later, reinforcements from the Yuqing Sect and the Baidi Sect arrived.
He was still studying the Xing Yi Sword in his body.He looked at his fourth grade high grade defensive magic weapon.
When he sensed the Broken Void Sword Intent , he understood that this time it was a core sword cultivator from the Sword Intent Chongxiao Pavilion.
You Xiaoyu s face turned extremely ugly for a moment, turning green and white.Okay, stop Finally, the phantom at the top spoke. President, tell the truth.
After all, immortal cultivators are cruel, and sometimes they are not as good as mortals.If the competition stage was not protected by formations, the bluestone Understanding the Benefits and Effects of Blue Vibe CBD Gummies
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He could faint at any moment. There s too much noise, get out of here quickly.Who is he He has the ability to have a fair fight with the Wuying League All the forces in the Wuying League were furious, and the whole faction was destroyed.
He directly cleaned the alchemy furnace and started refining it again.If you think about it every day and dream about it at night, I think you should go to the West.
Maybe there will be no possibility of recovery in this life Old Wang said sincerely, approving Ye Fei from the bottom of his heart.However, this is just a memory of your consciousness.
Yes, Senior Sister Mo. Chilong replied solemnly, holding a black gun.Ye Fei will always be grateful. However, these people from the Yin Yang Sect still pose no threat to me.
After all, he was a fake. A genius event, absolutely.Although the underground demon in front of him is powerful.
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Ye Fei was speechless and kept walking, running around and around in this primitive area.Lao Wang continued to give instructions, and Ye Fei suddenly understood that this simple purification seemed simple, but there was too much knowledge involved, and different heat levels had to be controlled according to the properties Herbluxe CBD Gummies: Benefits, Usage, and Expert Reviews
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to kill me, you really overestimate your capabilities Not far away, Ye Fei snorted softly.After all, her strength was terrifying. Although she was not as good as Hao Dayou from the second realm of Shen Zang, she was still the same.
Only the body of Xuanyin is an exception Come with me.Sister, I m sorry, sister didn t protect you well After killing the Li Gui, Yulin s body softened immediately, tears fell from her eyes, and she was in extreme pain.
However, Ye Fei and others cannot feel it at all, and they are extremely safe.Shangguan Xian er and Shangguan Lun are waiting for you, please At the huge entrance of the family, the two heirs of the What is CBD Gummies: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding the Benefits and Effects
Shangguan family personally greeted the distinguished guests.
Boom Ye Fei shouted softly, and three terrifying energy rushed out of the body at once, and the entire cave roared.However, this hateful woman seemed to know what Ye Fei s intention was, so she arrived in front and blocked the way.
Ye Fei, hurry up. Let me out. She is my sister. She disappeared more than Accelerate Your Weight Loss: How to Drink Apple Cider Vinegar in 1 Week
ten years ago.Stupid woman Ye Fei felt a little distressed. He tapped several of her large acupoints to stop her bleeding, and then injected the dragon elephant s true power to nourish her injured heart.
Elsewhere, under a simple work shed, several people from the Yin Yang Sect were sitting there leisurely, drinking spiritual tea and eating fruits.No Ye Fei shook his head blankly, even though he seemed to have thought of something, he suddenly realized Oh, I remembered it.
The yin and yang Taoist robe on his body exudes slight energy fluctuations.Mr. Jiang, I will deal with him The old man in gray shouted angrily, his figure was like a stream of light, and the snow around him was suddenly stirred up by his real power, and his whole body was like a cheetah g Killing Ye Fei, his hands intertwined, forming palm shadows all over the sky.
Boom boom In the world, there were countless strong men who launched attacks on Jiutian Dang Demon.Boom A thick tree branch passed by like a sharp arrow in an instant, directly piercing the body of the huge bear, staring it firmly at the ground.
Many geniuses and elites present, as well as the powerful men of the older generation, looked a little nervous.He felt extremely depressed and turned around to leave with Huo Xinghe without saying a word.
Sister Xue er Tian Qing er looked at Murong Xue again.For the college Bad reputation and development. After receiving the signal, the elder who presided over the game was about to step forward to stop this seemingly unsuspicious game.